Types and Explantions of Conformity


Types of Conformity

Internalisation: Occurs when a person genuinely accepts the group norms. It results in a public and private change of opinions or behaviour. Changes are likely to be permanent. The change in opinions/behaviour persists in the absence of other group members.

Identification: Conforming to the opinions/behaviour of a group because the group has something of value e.g. friendship. Results in a public change of opinion/behaviour, even if the individual doesn't  privately agree.

Compliance: Going along with others in public , but not privately changing personal opinions or behaviour. Results only in a superficial change. The change in opinions/behaviour is absent if the group is absent.

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Explanations for Conformity

Informational Social Influence (ISI): About who has better information (you or the rest of the group). Individuals follow majority group behaviour because of the desire to be right. ISI is a cognitive process. Will mostly happen in situations new to a person, or ambiguous situations. Also occurs when one person or group is regarded as being more of an expert.

Normative Social Influence (NSI): About what is regarded as normal or typical group behaviour. People don't want to appear foolish and want to gain social approval rather than face rejection. NSI is an emotional process. Most likely to occur in situations where an individual faces concerns of rejection. May also occur around friends, as people seek social approval from friends. May be pronounced in stressful situations where there is a greater need for support

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