Treaty of Versailles


Wilson's 14 points

Wilson's 14 points (what Gemrnay agreed to when surrendering, thought would be treaty)

1.Setting up a League of Nations (policy of collective security) thought would ensure peace. 


3.Self-determination for the people of Europe - the right to rule themselves democratically (Believed emperors were war mongerers- so democracy!)

4.Freedom for colonies (No more empire, similiar to thoughts on emperors)

5.Freedom of the seas 

6.Free trade

7. Open political agreements, democracy and self-determination of nations. 

Was always against war guilt cause

* Feared too harsh on Gemrany cause another war.

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Differing views

France suffered greatly from war

  -Wanted to PUNISH Germany

  -Return lost Alsace-Lorraine

*U.K wanted revenge, 'Make Germany Pay' - Llyod George

*U.K. and France had to pay back U.S. heavily in debt

  -Needed reparations from Germany to pay back U.S.

  -Also to boost own exhausted economy (especially France, needed to repair infrastructure, etc.)

Wilson ill at begining of conference allowed Clemonceau to advance substantially different demands from 14 points

*France eventually convinced to be more moderate by G.B. and Wilson

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Main Points of T.O.V.

*Artcile 231- War Guilt Clause.

*Military (Anschluss with Austria also banned)

  -Army- 100,000 troops

  -Navy- 15,000 men, 6 battleships, no submarines

  -Import/Export of weapons prohibited, restrictions on manufacture as well

  -Demilitarization of the Rhineland

*Territory (10% of land, 50% of iron and steel works, 12.5% of population, no colonies)

  -Alsace-Lorraine, West Prussia, Posen, Upper Silesia, Danzig, Saar land (only for 15 years)

*Reparations (Very hard, lost wealthiest areas, like Saar and Silesia)

  -1921, set at equivalent of 6.6 billion pounds. 

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German reaction (briefly)

Infuriated- thought Wilson's 14 points would be basis of peace

  -Was on this understanding they had surrendered!

*Had not even be allowed to negotiate, hadn't even been present for negotiations. 

  -DIKTAT, imposed peace treaty.

*Revolution, called 'Kapp Putsch' in 1920, against the treaty.

Public opinion furious, humiliated and hateful

  -Begining of 'stab in the back myth'

  -Newspapers saying things like 'We will never stop until we win back what we deserve'

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Other peace treaties

*Treaty of St Germain (with Austria)

*Treaty of Trianon (with Hungary)

*Treaty of Neuilly (with Bulgaria)

*Treaty of Sevres (with Turkey)

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