Topic 17- Animation

Topic 17- Animation


Topic 17- Animation

Animation progress:

  • The persistence of vision- the human eye sees an object for a short time after it has disappeared 
  • This used in animation so that objects appear to move
  • It means that separate diagrams with slight changes in motion do not appear jerky

Flip books:

  • A slightly different diagram showing motion is put on each page
  • When the book is flipped animation appears smooth

Stop motion:

  • A model is photographed
  • Then slightly moved
  • And photographed again
  • Steps are repeated
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Topic 17- Animation

  • Frames are joined with a short delay between them

Flash/key frame animation:

  • Flash is a piece of software used to create interactive and animation websites
  • Key frames are the starting frame and the finishing frame in an animation
  • The software fills in the frames between the two key frames
  • This is called tweening

3D animation:

  • This is the most complex of all types of animation
  • Software is complex
  • Software can be expensive

Use of animation in commercial and learning environments:

  • Film making and speacial effects industries
  • Huge films industry based around animation
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Topic 17- Animation

  • Special effects in nearly every film that is made
  • Development have made adding effects much easier and cheaper

Use of animation in VLE's and educational webistes:

  • Use from early stage teaching to A-Level to make material more stimulating and easier to learn
  • It is important to remember to use animation appropriately otherwise they will cause annoyance and frustration to the user

Advantages and disadvatanges of animation in commercial and educational environments:

Advantages of animation

  • It can help explain in a different concept
  • It can bw used to entertain young children
  • It can attract users to a website
  • It can make learning fun for young children
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Topic 17- Animation

Disadvantages of animation:

  • Good animation can be expensive to produce
  • It can distract users away from the content or the message being given
  • On a website, it can take a while to load,which can put off some visitors to the website

Tools and techniques for creating animated images- planning:

  • Story boards- explaining how an animation wil work is quite difficult. 
  • Story boards provide a wojay of communication visual ideas. It is a series of sketches showing the layout of animations in multimedia website or presentation.
  • Story boards are used to show the sequence and layout od ideas

Planning animations- story boards:

  • Typically a story board will contain: 
  • Rough designs showing what the menus will look like
  • What pictures are included
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Topic 17- Animation

  • In an animation it can show some of the frames
  • What video is used
  • What sound is inculded
  • Some detail of the text to be included

Awareness of audience: 

  • An animation should always be chosen or designed witha particular audience in mind

Mood boarding:

  • A mood board is a compilation of elements that will give the look and feel of the animation, website or multimedia product.
  • It can include such things as examples of proposed types of animastions, colour palettees, font styles for text.
  • The main purpose of creating a mood board is to prevent the designer putting lots of work into a design that the client does not like

Frame rates: 

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Topic 17- Animation

  • In an animation each unique image used in an animation is called a frame. The frame rate is a frequency or rate appear on the screen.
  • The greater the frame rate the better the quality of the movement of the items in the animation


  • Looping is used when you want a motion to be repeatewd over and over

Vector and Bitmap animation: 

  • Vector animation the motion is controlled by vector rather than pixels. Adobe Flsh produces vector based animations
  • Bitmap animations- the arrangement of bits on the screen changes in some way and a new bitmap is produces
  • The advantages of vector over bitmap here is that the animation are much smoother and the animation is clearer

Claymation techniques:

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Topic 17- Animation

  • Claymation is a form of stop motion animation using materials such as clay or plasticine. Models are created and photographed after slight movements have been made. Thousands of frames are created. 

Pixilation techniques:

  • Pixilation- when you enlarge a bitmap image you start to see the individual pixels. This is sometimes done deliberatle for example in police programmes when the maker doesn't want you to see a crimanals face for legal reasons


  • A piece of film with movement of live actors drawn over to get an animation effect with realisitic movement


  • This is where you creare a start frame and an end frame and the computer generates all the in-between frames so that the start image changes into the final image
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Topic 17- Animation

Onion Skinning:

  • A technique used in animation where several frames in an animation are superimposed over each other. This allows the animator to keep track of the motion so tey have a better idea where to create the next frame


  • Grouping- grouping images is often done so that they are treated as a single image rather than sepreate ones. This makes it easier to move and size them


  • Cloning-often in animations you need several items of the same thing . Rather than create each one from scratch, it is easier to create one and then copy it. The copies are identical and are called clones


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Topic 17- Animation

  • Backdrops- this is the scenery against which the character in the animation appear. For example, an animation of a talking cat might have the contents of a room as the backdrop
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