The Politics of the USA - AQA


  • Created by: Jones
  • Created on: 10-05-09 21:17

Two Party System

--Hamilton vs Jefferson

Jefferson: Democratic Republicans (suspicious of centralised gov.)

Hamilton: Federalists (believed in strong national gov.)

--Split of Democratic Republicans

The Whigs and Democrats were the two major parties up until 1850s.

--The Two Party System today

The Whigs and ex Democrats formed the Republican party over the opposed spread of slavery. Remaining Whigs faded leaving the Democrats and the Republicans in the system.

--Third Parties

Not likely to win any major elections. Usually promote single issues.

HOWEVER the Progressive Party became popular in the late 1800s. Roosevelt split from the Republicans to form the PP. It split the 1912 Republican vote allowing the Democrat to win. Although they never suceeded in getting a candidate into national office, many of their ideas on workers rights became laws in the 20th Century.

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Two Party System

Ideological Third Parties:

Socialist and Communist Parties want to nationalise major industries. The Green Party wants respect for the environment.

Perots Reform Party was in action during the 1992 and 1996 elections and won 19 electoral college votes.

Why is it hard for Third Parties?

- It is difficult to raise the funds needed for national office.

-The FPTP System means their proportion of the vote is irrelevant unless if its the most.

-Signatures must be gained to be placed on the ballot for national office.

-A move towards the centre for the Democratic and Republican platform makes Third Parties seem extreme.

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Congress President (4 years) Supreme Court (9)

House of Representives (435). <President Choses>

Senate (100). <Senate Confirms>






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