The use of and metabolism of fat in the diet


The metabolism of fat

•A metabolic process that breaks down ingested fats into fatty acids and glycerol and then into simpler compounds which can be used by cells of the body. This function supports many life sustaining processes in the body as it stores a reserved source of energy for use when needed. It provides insulation to keep the body warm and fat cushions that protects organs. As well as the liver, fat provides storage for fat-soluble vitamins. Provides a source of energy that is convenient, concentrated and the same weight as carbohydrates or protein. Provides texture and flavour in food and helps makes it palatable. Food containing fat provides a feeling of fullness after a meal as fat digestion is a slow process

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The chemical process

This converts fat molecules into energy. Fat or triglycerides into glycerol and 3 fatty acids, these are absorbed by the kidneys, liver and the muscle tissues. Fats are solids at room temperature and oils are liquid at room temperature. The fats are composed of the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

The by-products of this process consists of:

Heat – helps maintain body temperature Waste products – water and carbon dioxide

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Healthy vs Unhealthy Fats

Fats are an essential part of a healthy diet, however, certain fats are healthier than others. Saturated fats – found in animal products, such as whole-milk, dairy products, fatty meats, butter and cheese and the trans fats found in fried food or LDL levels, Unsaturated fats- help to lower LDL levels and increase HDL, or good cholesterol levels. These include; olive and canola oils; fish; nuts; and avocados. All fats are high in calories and lead to the risk of serious health complications if too much is consumed, for example heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, and high cholesterol.

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