The Final Solution

  • Created by: Xavier123
  • Created on: 15-04-18 13:56

Wannsee Conference and Preceding Discussions

1940 - Heydrich suggested that Jews under German control be deported to a suitable territory. Madagascar was suggested but it was unreasonable as the Royal Navy still dominated the waters around there, making a Kriegsmarine passage suicidle.

Einsatzgruppen began systematic killings of Jews after Barbrossa, and OKH turned a blind eye. Himmler ordered this to be standard practice after 1941. However, this did have some Psychological effects on the troops, and nethods of efficent dispacthing were invested upon by the **. The first known instances of systematic jewish killings were using Gas vans at Chelmno.

The Wansee conference was chaird by Heydrich and attended by all major Nazi ** officals apart from Hitler. Here, they discussed the mass genocide and the places they were going to achieve this. The ** was still experimenting with the most efficent methods possible.

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The Final Solution

The Final Solution itself consisted of two phases, the Einsatzgruppen Phase and the Reinhardaktion phase. the latter was the more systematic and brutal since it was the phase that used gas and incinerators in the death camps to increase the efficency of the killings. The Jews were also put to labour, amd were utilised by the German factories for forced labour due to a shortage of labour at home. Notable work camps were Bergen-Belsen and Dachau, and more infamous death camps were Auschwitz-Birkeneau and Treblinka.

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