terminal velocity



weight = mass times gravitational field strength 

the force acting downwards is their wieght.

the force acting upwards is the air resistance.

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key notes

van de graff- a generator which uses a rubber belt and a metal sphere to generate high voltage.

watt- a unit of power,1 watt equals 1 joule of energy is transferred.

voltage- a potential difference across a component.

kinectic energy- scientific name for movement.

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rates of reaction

rates of reaction 

how quickly reactions happen?-products made,reactants used.

rates of reaction= amount of product made devided by time.

reactions only happen when particles collide.

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key notes


increase of temperature increases th rate of reaction.

higher the tempreture makes particles move faster.


the more concentration,the greater number of solute particles.


hydrogen peroxide > water + oxygen 

you can increase the rate of reaction by adding a catylist

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