Synoptic Links

  • Created by: Beth
  • Created on: 24-05-15 12:42

Ontological Argument AO1


The Cosmological Argument is 'a posteriori' as it uses experience of the Universe whereas the Ontological Argument is 'a priori' as it draws its conclusions before experience.

The Cosmological Argument is inductive and looks to the Universe for evidence to get its conclusions whereas the Ontological Argument is deductive so it uses premises to reach a step by step conclusion.

Anselm tried to prove God's existence by exploring the definintion of God, Postmodernism would reject God's existence as it rejeects Ultimate Truths.

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Ontological Argument AO2


The working together of the world - the way the seasons work to allow certain plants to grow and how the ecosystem, food chains etc. work perfectly in sync. This can be used a proof of God's greatness, that he is 'that than which nothing greater can be concieved'.

Evidence for the Ontological Argument not having value for faith - Less than 1% of Africans are non religious and many of the African countries do not have access to philosophical theories and their religion is based on faith.

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Problem of Evil AO1


In the Cosmological Argument Aquinas sees God as outside space and time whereas Process Theodicy states God is in time and is affected/affects the world.

Science as a reason for the rise of atheism - the questions that arise from the problem of evil often lead people to turn to explanations for the Universe provided by Science as the existence of evil isn't explained sufficienty by religion.

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Problem of Evil AO2


The Holocaust - could be used to show the idea of soul making; the people that liberated those in the camps and fought the Nazis did good in the light of evil and it can be argued this evil has shaped people to be better.

Boxing Day Tsunami - killed many people in Thailand, Indonesia etc. Specifically, roughly 5000 killed in Phuket and 167000killed in Banda Aceh. Shows how natural evil must have come from God, although Augustine would argue it comes from the disruption of natural evil.

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