STRESS-Causes of stress

These cards contain brief details to jog your memory for the studies within the causes of stress.


JOHANSSON- stress and the workplace

Aim: To measure psychological and physiological stress response.

Method: Quasi experiment with workers either defined as high risk or in control group. Their work was machine-paced, isolated, and repetitive. Levels of stress related hormones in urine were measured on work days and rest days. Also gave self report of mood. Body temperature was also measured.

Results: High risk group secreted more stress related hormones on work days than rest days and higher than the control group. Also showed higher levels of stress related illness e.g headaches. In self report they also felt more rushed and irritated than control group.

Conclusion: Combination of work stressors which can lead to stress related illness. If employees want to reduce illness they need to find ways to reduce these work stressors.

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KANNER- daily hassles and uplifts

Aim: To compare hassles and uplifts scale to Berkman life events scale as predictors of stress.

Method: Longitudinal study using self report and psychometric tests. Tests were all sent out by post pp's had to complete hassles rating, life events, and HSCL every month for nine months.

Results: Hassles scale is a better predictor of psychological and physiological symptoms than life events. The more hassles the pp reported the more symptoms they reported.

Conclusion: The daily hassles may be a better approach to the prediction of stress related health than life events.

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GEER AND MAISEL- reducing stress reactions

Aim: To see if perceived control or actual control can reduce stress reactions.

Method: Lab experiment 3 conditions; group 1 given control over how long they looked at photos; group 2 warned about photos but no control; group 3 were told they would see some sort of photos but not given any timings or control. Each pp was wired to GSR and ECG ,machines.

Results: Group 2 showed most stress, group one showed least stress

Conclusion: Having control over environment reduces stress responses.

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