Strengths and weaknesses of designs

Experimental designs in G541


Independent measures design

What are the strengths of independent measures design?

Controls for the practice affect and controls for demand characteristics as less likely to guess what the study is about.

What are the weaknesses of independent measures design?

Doesn't control for individual differences so it lowers validity and it needs twice as many participants so it will take longer.

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Repeated measures design

What are the strengths of a repeated measures design?

It's quicker because we need fewer participants and controls for individual variables.

What are the weaknesses for repeated measures design?

Get the practice affect but could use counter balancing to avoid this. They will suffer from demand characteristics if they are taking part in two similar conditions.

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Matched pairs design

What are the strengths of matched pairs design?

Controls for the practice affect, lowers demand characteristics and controls for individual variables.

What are the weaknesses of matched pairs design?

It is time consuming to match the participants, might not match them on all the participant variables.

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