

  • Created by: Laura
  • Created on: 13-12-09 21:28

the family

the family :

functionlist - the function of the family is to socialise children which in turn will benefit children and society

feminist - the function of the family is to reinforce the dominant position of men in society

new right - the function of the family is to tech children the signifacance between and wrong and provide a sense of morality and family values

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family structures

NUCLEAR FAMILY - consist of two generations , parents and children.

EXTENDED FAMILY - vertically extended familys would consist of grandparents,parents and children all living within the same household whereas a horizontallly extended familys would be relations such as aunts and uncles of the parents genration

lone parent - consist of one parent and their dependent child ( children)

reconstituted family - consists of two people cohabiting or marriage bringing children from previous families and also the new family this kind of family can be fromed through death,divorce or choice

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other key points about the family

Conjugal roles are the roles of the man and woman [husband and wife] in the home. There are two different types of conjugal roles that people can have:

  • When husbands and wives share housework and childcare, decisions and leisure time they have joint conjugal roles.
  • When husbands and wives do not share housework and childcare, decisions and leisure time they have segregated conjugal roles.
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