Short Term responses-Japan, earthquake & Tsunami


Short term response: Japan earthquake & tsunami

Short term response:
· 100,000 people took part in the disaster relief mission
· The Japanese Red Cross mobilised 230 emergency service teams to provide medical and emotional support to victims

· Shelters were set up in schools
· An exclusion zone was set up around the Fukushima power plant
· Shelterbox an NGO sent 1500 disaster relief boxes containing tents, sleeping bags, cooking equipment in the first 3
weeks of the disaster.
Long Term response
o In 2007 Japan’s meteorological agency launched an earthquake early warning system (EEW).
o A warning message is sent to TVs and mobiles once a foreshock is noticed.
o Sea walls and tsunami floodgates have been built (although they did little to protect the area)
o Buildings are all constructed to withstand seismic activity

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it was ok needs more info 



Thanks,it really helped with my revision,

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