Section 3: Minerals Needed for Healthy Growth

  • Created by: Bethany
  • Created on: 09-04-19 13:21

Mineral Ions

  • Plants need certain elements from mineral ions in the soil to produce important compounds
  • If they don't get enough of these minerals, they suffer deficiency symptoms
  • They need nitrates, phosphates, potassium and small amounts of magnesium
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  • Nitrates contain nitrogen used to make amino acids and proteins, which are needed for cell growth
  • If a plant doesn't have enough nitrates, it will have stunted growth and the older leaves will turn yellow
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  • Phosphates contain phosphorus used for making DNA and cell membranes
  • They're needed for respiration and growth
  • Plants without enough phosphate have poor root growth and older leaves will turn purple
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  • Potassium is used to help the enzymes involved in photosynthesis and respiration
  • Plants without enough potassium will have poor flower growth, poor fruit growth, and discoloured leaves
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  • Magnesium is one of the most significant but needed in much smaller quantities
  • It is used to make chlorophyll needed for photosynthesis
  • Plants without enough magnesium will have yellow leaves
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