role of media and free press



traditional media - newsprint, radio,television,cinema. 

new media -media from the later 20th century

can be used anywhere and anytime

e-media - all forms of media related to the internet

social media - diffrent forms such as internet forums,weblogs, social blogs, twitter, Facebook

citizen journlist - where an individual gathers news and puts it on social media or a news organisation such as BBC 

freedom of the press - a concept that states that for a free,open and democratic society to exist the press should be free from political and judicial interference and be abke to print the stories they wish 

mass media - communicating to a large audiencee at the same point in time

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free press

free press

  • concept that sates for a open, free and democrative society
  • laws to protect people from false stories
  • free press now interprted  to mean mass media
  • the BBc is governed by a charter
  • political parties look for newpaper to support them
  • the internet has no laws governing its operation
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role of media in modern society

  • inform - the public about what is going on 
  • encourage - public debates on major issues of public concern 
  • uncover - abuses of power and challanges desicion maker and press for changes
  • campaign - creat and support public opinion 
  • speak to power - to make people who have power aware of the public opinion 
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responsibility of the media towards society

  • ensure - there is a blance of facts and opinion 
  • work in a profession manner - assuring it is accurate 
  • react 
  • publish conection and be acountable for what they publish 
  • ensure that the public interest is what is and not published 
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society ensures so that there is free press

  • establish a legal framework
  • ensure that there is an legal framework 
  • make avalible the necessary infrastructure
  • encourage public and privrate media
  • ensure that all parties have accsses 
  • create a regulaatory framework
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media impact

  • decling use of newpaper
  • people reach the news within minutes 
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the right of the media to investigate and report o

  • media in UK has the right to fully investigate and publish news of public interest 
  • the freedom of information act has goven the media as well as the member of the public about public bodies
  • cases where the media gas promted action: 
  • the guardian and how those in teh newspaper industry had used phone hacking to gain information
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the operation of press regulation

  • internet is not lega regulation 
  • some countries ban accses to the internet
  • press regulation in UK is in a fluid situation 
  • lord justice leveson thought that the newpaper industry sould be self-regulated and the government to not to control it

his ruling states:

  • the old press complaints commision(PCC) was not fit for purpose
  • a new body should be established to promote high standads and impose penelties
  • this new body should be established by the indusrty
  • the body should be backed by legeslation 

IPOS handles complaints and conducts investigations into standads and complience

it has power to require published corrections and can impose fines

over 1400 print titles have signed up to this

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the operation of press regulation - IPSO

this code is what the journlists are expected to work:

  • accuracy
  • opportunity to reply
  • privicy
  • hospitals
  • reporting of crime
  • discrimination 
  • payments to criminals

and many more

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IPSO - independant press standards organisation  is an industry based body which self-regulates most newspapers in the UK

IMPRESS - the approved government regulator of the press, however, very few nespapers have joined this body 

cencorship - suppression of materials, publications and thoughts 

OFcom- office of the regulator for communications.

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censorship exists to other media formats:

  • films 
  • the broadcast advertising centre
  • the advertising standaeds authority 
  • Ofcom 

the terrorism act 2006 made a limit of freedom of speech 

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