Revivalist Architecture


Pugin and Barry 'Westminster, Houses of Parliament


  • Debate over new building should be classical or Gothic-classical associated with Republicanism, Barry classicall trained and Pugin a Gothic revivalist
  • Gothic = British democracy, mix of empire and heritage, connotations of law, religion, learning
  • Pugin: 'true style', piety and nobility of medieval past, formality and order at heart of London


  • Symmetry, stateliness, balance, influenced by Barry, using designs of town houses etc
  • Victoria Tower largest square tower in world- adds drama, Octagon Tower- engineering skills, ventilation system, Elizabeth Tower - Big Ben, ordered time and business


  • Classical in planning, Gothic in detail, Pugin:'all Grecian sir...Gothic details on a classical body'
  • Emphasis on vertical with perpendicular Gothic, pointed arches and slender mullions
  • Decorated parapets on top of main facade, steep iron pitched roof to add drama
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Butterfield 'All Saints, Margaret Street' (1849-59


  • Model church for Cambridge Camden Society, 13th-14th c. Gothic, 'on a splendid scale'
  • Promoted medieval study, restoration of churches, artist to be 'single, pious, labourious'
  • In dreary site in London to give visual splendour


  • Honest materials, but also incorporation of 19th c. mass produced bricks/tiles
  • Spire from St. Mary's Germany, polychromatic bricks show European influence and advocated by Ruskin's 'Seven Lamps of Architecture'


  • Polychromatic- Italian Gothic, Sienna Cathedral, Prince Albert promoted Italian style
  • 'Beauty of holiness'- Gothic decoration, elogated, coloured patterns, juxtaposition of textures (columns of polished red granite with capitals left coarse), detailed pulpit and font
  • Geometrical patterns quieted by openness of windows/ arches and souring ribs
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Scott 'St Pancras, Great Midlands Hotel' (1866-67)


  • Growth of railway- increased trade, travel, jobs, 6000 miles track laid 1820-60
  • Relationship between architect and engineer - use of iron and steel
  • Hotel as a luxurious contrast to Kings X, flushing toilets, Ruskin:  'only a fool would want to shorten time and space a wise man would want to lengthen both'

Old/ new

  • Mass produced brick and iron- curved facade, but Gothic - balustrades, quatrefoils, tracery 
  • Polychromatic brickwork inspired by Ruskin in Europe, red and grey window from Italy
  • Ventian red brick facade, clock tower- Italian Campanile, Ypres Town Hall influence


  • Red brick visible against smog, red Mansfield sandstone and grey granite
  • 'Moral power of Gothic' - contradictory that used for commerical gain
  • Scot thought too good for railway, 'finest building in London', Ruskin: 'separates architecture from a wasp’s nest, rat hole and a railway station'
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