Religion and Life: 2, Matters of Life and Death

  • Created by: M.Qvvlls
  • Created on: 03-05-17 09:32

Part B:

Should everyone agree with abortion? 


- People should do the most loving thing, which may be abortion.

- It might be the lesser of two evils.

- Sometimes it is in the best interest of the mother or child (for example, if they child is the result of **** it may be too traumatic and dangerous to the mothers mental health to raise the child with the correct amount of love and kindess. If the child will be severely disabled or handicapped, it would be in the best interest of its quality of life and the mothers life).

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Part B:

Do you think that there is life after death?


- It is in the Bible, the Creed and the Catechism (must be real if it is in the Bible).

- People have near death experiences where they can recall what doctors were doing to bring them back to life even though their heart had stopped and they were not conscious.

- Paranormal activities such as medians who can communicated with deceased loved ones and solve crimes through contacting someone who is murdered etc.

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Part B:

Do you agree that the media should be allowed to criticise what religions say about matters of life and death?


- Relgious beliefs are very personal and should not be attacked or disrespected.

- The media is frequently biased, pleasing the greater number and leaving minorities in dangerous situations.

- The media might make comments that could caused conflict in society such as relgious based attacks on others etc.

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Part B:

Do you think euthanasia should be legal in the UK?


- It is often the most loving thing to do.

- It can be the lesser of two evils.

- People should have control over whether they live or die.

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Part B:

Do you think abortions should be completely banned?


- Women should have the right to choose, its their body and their life.

- Abortion should be allowed in cases of ****.

- Some abortions save the life of the mother (e.g. if the mother finds out she has cancer during her pregnancy then she may choose to have an abortion as the baby will not survive the treatment).

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Part B:

Do you think that everyone should have the right to die when they want?


- Euthanasia is often the most loving thing. 

- Euthanasia can be the lesser of two evils.

- It could protect the family from watching peope suffer.

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Part B:

Do you think life after death is impossible?


- Once the body dies you are dead (doctors can restart hearts, lungs etc but not brains so you will not be able to live like you did and you would have to have constant medical treatment).

- No one has come back from the dead so there is no physical evidence.

- There is no evidence of life after death (when someone dies their body just stays in the ground etc).

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Part B:

Do you think that life after death should affect how Roman Catholics live their lives?


- They want to be forgiven after death.

- They do not want to go to Hell or Purgatory.

- They wish to be sent to Heaven.

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Part B:

Do you think Christians should agree with abortion?


- Christians should try to reduce suffering.

- It might be the lesser of two evils.

- It might be the most loving thing to do.

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Part B:

Do you think that Christians should agree with euthanasia?


- Christians should try to reduce suffering.

- It might be the lesser of two evils.

- It might be the most loving thing to do.

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Part B:

Do you think the media should be allowed to criticise what religions say about matters of life after death?


- What religions say is only for the benefit of religious followers.

- By critcising religious followers, the media could cause conflict.

- The media may be biased.

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Part B:

Do you think people cause world poverty?


- Rich countries have exploited the poor for their own gain, leaving them to suffer.

- Wars cause poverty for even the innocent.

- Corrupt governments have stolen a country's wealth and not bothered to the poor.

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Part B:

Do you think non-religious people should believe in life after death?


- It makes the idea of death less scary.

- It is a reward for a good life which may motivate people to be good people.

- There is paranormal evidence that backs up life after death.

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Part C:

Explain why Roman Catholic Christians believe in life after death.

- Jesus rose from the dead.

- It is the teaching of the church in the catechism.

- It is stated in the creed.

- It is taught in the Bible.

- There is evidence for life after death because of events such as near death experiences and the paranormal.

- Catholics believe that life after gives life meaning and purpose.

- Belief in Life after Death provides Comfort.

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Part C:

Explain why most Christians are against Euthanasia.

- The Bible says that murder is wrong (10 Commandments).

- Christians believe in the sanctity of life, Euthanasia goes against the sanctity of life.

- Church teachings are against Euthanasia.

- Euthanasia is against the law and Christians must not break the law.

- Only God can end a life.

- Killing is against the 10 commandments.

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Part C:

Explain why some non-religious people believe in life after death.

- Paranormal experiences lead to the belief in life after death.

- Life after death is a comforting thought.

- Life after death is a reward for living a good life.

- There must be something after this life, it can't just be the end.

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Part C:

Explain why/how CAFOD is trying to end world poverty.

- Jesus directed them to do this.
- The Bible teaches that they should do this.
- Christians are taught to practise stewardship/ charity/ services to others.
- Exampls from Saints and other important Christian figures.


- Through long-term development programmes.
- Through providing education programmes in developing countries.
- Through emergency disaster relief.
- Through raising awareness in developing countries.
- Through campaigning to gain justice for developing countries.

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Part C:

Explain how Roman Catholic beliefs about life after death affect the way they live their lives.
- They will try to live good Catholic lives so that they go to heaven.

- They will try to follow the teachings of Jesus so that they will go to heaven.

- They will follow the teachings of the parable of the 'Sheep and Goats' to help those in need.

- They will try to avoid comitting sins so that they will go to heaven.

- Believing in life after death will give their lives purpose.

- The will avoid sinful activity.

- They will try to behave as Jesus taught.

- They will show love for their neighbour.

- They will keep the 10 commandments.

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Part C:

Explain why euthanasia is a controversial issue.

- Some people regard euthanasia as murder.

- It might lead to misuse by people who want inheritance (pressuring elderly relatived into it by making them feel like a lot of work/ waste of time etc).

- Doctors might face increased ethical dilemmas. 

- The person may change their mind once it is too late for them to say so.

- Some people think its a persons right to choose.

- It can be the most loving thing to do.

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Part C:

Explain why some Christians accept abortion.

- It can be the most loving thing to do.

- The Bible does not say anything about abortion, not even whether it is right or wrong.

- It can be the lesser of two evils.

- It is allowed legally.

- Some churches allow it in extreme circumstances.

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Part C:

Explain why some people do not believe in life after death.

- There is no scientific proof for life after death.

- Life after death is logically/ scientifically impossible.

- There is nowhere for life after death to take place.

- No one has come back from the dead to prove it.

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Part C:

Explain what the British law says about abortion.

- It is legal if certain conditions are met:

- It must be agreed by two doctors.

- It is before 24 weeks of pregnancy.

- It must take place in a registered medical unit.

- The mother's life is at risk.

- To protect the mental or physical health of the mother.

- To protect the mental or physical health of existing children.

- If the baby would be very seriously ill or handicapped.

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Part C:

Explain why CAFOD is trying to end world poverty.

- Jesus directed his followers to be charitable.

- The Bible teaches that people should be charitable.

- Christians are taught to practise Charity/ Services to others.

- Examples from Saints and other important Christian figures ( Mother Teresa ).

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Part C:

Explain why some people think the media should be allowed to criticise what religions say about matters of life and death.

- The media needs to educate the general public.

- The media have free speech in a democracy.

- The media can provide a balance to the religious perspective about the issues raised in this section.

- The media might be needed to point out contradictions in religious teachings about life and death.

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Part D:

"The law on euthanasia should be changed."
In your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity.

- The law should be changed to allow people to do the most loving thing.
- There are people helping others to commit suicide (euthanasia) and they are being persecuted.
- The law should become tougher so that even life support machines should not be turned off.

Not Supporting:
- Catholics believe life is sacred and so should not take a life.
- Catholics believe that only God should be able to take someone's life.
- Doctors should keep people alive.

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Part D:

"No Christian should have an abortion."
In your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity.

- The Catholic church teaches that abortion is wrong.
- Catholics believe in the sanctity of life.
- Abortion is taking a life, which is against the ten commandments.
- Life begins at conception.
- Only God should end a life.

Not Supporting:
- Not all Christians are against abortions.
- Some Christians would say that it is the lesser of two evils.
- Abortion could be the most loving thing to do.
- Life begins when the baby is born.
- Christians should try to prevent suffering.
- People are given free will to make these decisions.

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Part D:

"The law on abortion should be changed."
In your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity.

- Catholics believe life is sacred, so abortion should be illegal.
- Babies can survive before 24 weeks gestation so the time should be reduced.
- It should be the mothers right to choose.

Not Supporting:
- The law has been democratically agreed.
- The law, in practice, allows abortion for all reasons anyway.
- The law prevents suffering.

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Part D:

"Life after death is impossible."
In your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity.

- There is no evidence to prove life after death.
- Some people would say that it is just an idea to comfort people.
- Religious ideas about life after death all conflict.
- It is just an idea to comfort people.
- Life after death is a logical contradiction.

Not Supporting:
- Jesus taught about heaven and hell.
- It is stated as part of the creed.
- Catholics believe in it because Jesus rose from the dead.
- Jesus rose from the dead.

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Part D:

"Euthanasia is the same as murder."
In your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity.

- Catholics believe life is sacred so euthanasia is murder.
- Euthanasia is the premature ending of a life which is against the law.
- No human should take another human's life.

Not Supporting:
- Euthanasia is sometimes the lesser of two evils.
- Euthanasia is sometimes the most loving thing to do.
- If it is the person's choice it is not murder.

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Part D:

"Abortion should always be allowed"
In your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity.

- It is the woman's right to choose.
- It should be allowed as people make mistakes.
- It is better than having an unwanted child.

Not Supporting:
- Abortion should not be allowed beyond 24 weeks.
- The Catholic Church believes that human life begins at conception.
- Abortion can be seen as murder.

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Part D:

"The media should not be allowed to criticise what religions say about matters of life and death."
In your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity.

- What the Church says is only for the benefit of Catholics.
- By criticising religions, the media could cause conflict.
- The media may be biased.

Not Supporting:
- The media has the right of free speech.
- By criticising what religions say, the media can educate people.
- The media should point out contradictions in what religions say.

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Part D:

"Euthanasia should never be allowed."
In your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity.

- It is against the sanctity of life.
- It is against the commandments.
- It may be abused.

Not supporting:
- It could be the most loving thing to do.
- People should have the right to choose.
- It might prevent suffering.

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Part D:

"Religious people should accept euthanasia."
In your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity.

- It might be the most loving thing to do.
- It might reduce suffering.
- The person might be brain dead (no way to recover).

Not Supporting:
- It is against the sanctity of life.
- The Catholic Church teaches that it is wrong.
- It is against the law.

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Part D:

"Beliefs about life after death affect the way a person lives."
In your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity.

- It is a reward for living in the right way.
- It is the purpose of life.
- It helps them face suffering.

Not Supporting:
- They live their life according to the teachings of Jesus.
- They want to do the right things with no need for reward.
- They live their life according to the teachings of the Church.

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Part D:

"Everyone should believe in life after death."
In your answer you should refer to Roman Catholic Christianity.

- It is part of the teachings of the Bible.
- It is a reward for a good life.
- The Catholic Church teaches about life after death.

Not Supporting:
- There is no evidence for life after the death.
- Life after death is an idea made up to comfort people.
- There is no way the body can exist after death.

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