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  • religion and life MATTERS OF LIFE AND DEATH
    • why christians believe in life after death
      • says in the bible that jesus told them they would be brought back to life
        • how these beliefs affect their life
          • they lead a good life, exactly how god wanted e.g going to church ,helping others and praying in order to have a good afterlife.
      • St. Paul teaches that when you die your body is transformed from a physical one to a spiritual soul
      • The ressurection of jesus proves it is possible
    • why muslims believe in life after death
      • It is one of the 6 fundamental beliefs in Islam therefore holds high importance
        • This means they follow the 5 pillars in order to follow the straight path of Islam to give their life meaning and have a nice afterlife
      • In the qur'an Muhammad states that the afterlife exists and he is the ideal Muslim role model.
      • they believe this life is a test and the real life comes after the judgement from Allah
    • non religious reasons for life after death
      • near death experiences
      • paranormal activity, especially loved ones
      • karma, people say they can remember a previous life
    • reasons to be against life after death
      • scientific evidence proves your body decays when dead so an afterlife is physically impossible
      • Nobody has returned from the dead to give us proof
      • there is no proof for God let alone life after death so to consider it is illogical and there to only give people comfort
  • how these beliefs affect their life
    • they lead a good life, exactly how god wanted e.g going to church ,helping others and praying in order to have a good afterlife.
  • how these beliefs affect their lives


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