Religion and Early Life


Key Terms!!

Sanctity of Life;

This is the idea that all life is special. Life deserves to be protected and cherished.

Quality of Life;

This is the description of how good someone's life is. It includes how comfortable they feel, how easy it is for them to live through each day. Giving someone a good quality of life is part of the most basic teachings of all religions - that we should treat others as we wish to be treated.

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An abortion is the deliberate ending of a life so that the fetus is destroyed.

The law in the UK makes abortion complicated. Abortion is illegal, but there are some exceptions. 2 doctors have to agree that one of these conditions are true;

- the mental or physical health of the women is at risk

- the fetus will be born with a disability

- existing babies will suffer because of another baby

The abortion has to be carried out at a registered place by a registered doctor before the 24th week of pregnancy.

Alternatives to Abortion;

Fostering and Adoption

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Pro-Choice & Pro-Life

Pro-Choice; It is the women's body and therefore her decision

Arguments for Pro-Choice;

  • Banning abortions would lead to 'back street' ones
  • Adoption is hard for the mother after carrying the baby for 9 months
  • Only a mother can decide whether to have an abortion

Pro-Life; The life of the fetus should be protected and valued

Arguments for Pro-Life;

  • Science has proved the unborn babies have feelings and intelligence
  • Children are a blessing and should be loved, not destroyed
  • An abortion can leave mental and physical scars
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When does Life begin?

Conception; when the sperm meets the egg

14 days approx; after conception, the embryo becomes attached to the womb

3 weeks approx; the heart begins to beat

Quickening; the 1st movement in the womb, may be felt after 9 weeks

Ensoulment; development of a soul and/or nervous system/ brain activity

Viability; this is when the fetus could survive (with a great deal of medical help) if born prematurely. This occurs at about 24 weeks

Birth; up until this point the baby is a fetus, totally dependent upon its mother

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Quotes/teachings from Christianity

  • 'All life is sacred'
  • 'All humans were made in the image of God' Only God gives and takes life
  • 'God has planned for the life of every single one of us'
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Quotes/teachings from Judaism

  • 'The fetus is mere water until the 14th day of pregnancy'
  • Abortion under Jewish law is not murder.
  • '...a baby... becomes a full-fledged human being when the head emerges from the womb' We gain full human status only when we have been born
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