Reformation Parliament

Some information about some of the acts passed by the reformation parliament.



Lots of legislation was passed by the reformation parliament during the the break with Rome.

  • The legislation was passed by the reformation parliament but highly influenced by Henry VIII
  • The legislation was passed to try to remove all of Rome's power from England
  • Henry wanted to increase his own power while removing Rome's influence
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First Act of Succession

  • registered Henry's marriage to Catherine as invalid- replaced with marriage to Anne
  • the crown was now to pass to Henry and Anne's children
  • the nation had to take an oath upholding the marriage
  • treasonable offence to attack or deny the marriage
  • Sir Thomas More refused to take the oath - charged with treason
  • overridden by the Act of succession 1536- children of Jane Seymore in line for the throne - both princesses were now illegitimate
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Act to end Benefit of the Clergy

  • passed in 1531
  • the benefit of clergy for petty treason and murder was abolished
  • no longer in church courts and under church laws
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Acts to control clerical fees

  • passed in 1529
  • limited fees the church could charge
  • spring 1534- a 10th of all clerical income was to go to the crown
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Act of Annates

(Annates- tax payed to bishops for papacy)

  • the act was passed in 1532
  • it was an act to suspend these payments
  • papal relation was to be ignored
  • 1534
  • Annates were completely abolished- this was because of Henry's excommunication
  • there was much debate in parliament about this
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Act of Supremacy

  • the act was passed in 1534
  • this made the King (Henry) supreme head of the church
  • seen as a huge way of increasing the King's power and therefore decreasing the power of Rome
  • it was a treasonable offence to support the pope over England
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Change in Praemunire

  • law to convict people for saying people not in England have power
  • entire English clergy were convicted by Henry who was the supreme head of the church
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Act in Restraint of Appeals

  • this act stopped appeals going to Rome
  • this was to solve the problem about possible appeals about Henry's divorce from Catherine
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Supplication of the Ordinaries

  • there was a petition in 1532
  • division between clergy and laity
  • the act was against faults of the ordinaries, judges of ecclesiastical courts and how heresy trials were conducted
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