Physics 2019 paper

  • Created by: megan :D
  • Created on: 26-06-22 21:49

percentage increase

% increase = increase / original number x 100

Example - 

( 10 000 - 3200 ) / 3200 x 100 = 212.6% 

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Energy resources

Coal vs Gas

eviromental advantage to gas-fired power station compared to coal-fired power station :

-   no sulfur dioxide released

-   doesnt cause acid rain

-   no particulates released

-   doesnt cause global dimming

-   less carbon dioxide released

-   less global warming

-   no solid waste

-   gas mining is less destructive than coal mining

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Man-made sources of radiation

-   x-rays

-   radiotherapy

-   nuclear weapons

-   nuclear distaster ( e.g. chernobyl )

-   CT scans

-   nuclear fallout

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Nuclear fuels

The main nuclear fuels are - 

-   uranium

-   plutonium

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Nuclear fission

step 1 -   neutron absorbed by a iranium nucleus

step 2 -   nucleus splits into two parts

step 3 -   nuetrons released and gamma rays emitted

How does the process of nuclear fission lead to release of energy?

lighter nuclei join to form heavier nuclei

some of the mass of the nuclei is converted to energy

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Radioactive waste

Advantages of Radioactive waste having a shorter half-life :

-   activity decreases quickly

-   risk of harm decreases quickly

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Specific heat capacity equation

Energy = mass x specific heat capacity x change in temperature

Mass = energyspecific heat capacity x change in temperature

Specific heat capacity = energy / masschange in temperature

Change in temperature = energy / massspecific heat capacity

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Calculating missing value from mean

mean = add up all values then divide by number of values

Example :

3 , 5 , X , 9   mean = 6

3 + 5 + X + 9 / 4  = 6   [ multiply both sides by 4 ]

3 + 5 + X + 9 = 24  [ add up known values ]

17 + X = 24  [ subract 17 from both sides ]

X = 7

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