Phonological Change

  • Created by: niamhkm08
  • Created on: 31-01-21 16:21

Features of Phonological Change

  • Rise in intonation
  • Glottal stop (e.g. missing out 't' in 'water')
  • H-dropping
  • Post-vocalic 'r'
  • Voiced 'th' sound replaced with 'f'
  • Links to the Great Vowel Shift
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Phonological Change Theorists

  • Howard Giles' Accomodation Theory.
  • Peter Trugill (Norwich - social class).
  • Jenny Cheshire - relationship between use of dialect and peer group culture.
  • William Labov - Martha's vineyard (deliberatley diverging from other tourists but converging with locals).
  • Milroy and Milroy - high network strength score correlated with use of non-standard form. 
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Why does phonological change happen?

  • Reasons for change are not always clear - e.g. no one is sure why the Great Vowel Shift occured.
  • Social factors - we imitate the speech of people we admire or respect, so then language spreads.
  • Aitchinson (1991) identified 4 stages to phonological changes:
    • STAGE 1: speech of a social group differs in a way that words would be pronounced from where they are from.
    • STAGE 2: a second social group begins, possibly unconsciously, to imitate the speech of the first group.
    • STAGE 3: the new pronunciation becomes established in the second group, so now part of usual accent.
    • STAGE 4: a third social group begins to form on the second group, and the process repeats itself. 
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Examples of Research to use when writing about Pho

  • The Rise of the Interrogatory Statement by Stefanie Marsh.
  • The article focuses upon the phonological feature of intonantion.
  • Marsh uses the noun phrases:
    • 'Irritating verbal tic' to show her dislike of this feature.
    • 'Dur-brained Valley Girls' to link the feature to lack of intelligence.
  • Marsh uses the adjectives 'infected', 'epidemic' and 'spreading' to suggest this change is diseased.
  • Marsh uses the extended metaphor 'falling victim' sto show the feature is like a disease.
  • Marsh says that the feature is common, 'especially among women' and 'children'.
  • Intonation used to be interpreted as having 'self-doubt' and the 'desire for approval' and also 'th result of having either foreign parents or low self-esteem'. 
  • Intonation is now interpreted as 'controlling your interlocutors' and 'compelling a response' and is associated with 'powerful speakers'. 
  • It is also now interpreted with 'an aggressive need to direct conversation' and 'self-confident and socially aggressive'. 
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