Nazi Police State


What is a Police State?

A police state is one ruled by fear and terror- where state organisations are used to promote loyalty and crush oopposition which is seen as a dangerous crime. 

In Nazi Germany- The role of the police state was to maintain order, make Hitlers power secure and root out anyone who was labled as 'anti-Nazi'.

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How a Police State helped Hitler Control Germany

The police state enabled Hitler to control German because it neautralised the threats to the Nazis- It eliminated opposition like political opponents and people who didn't like the Nazis, becuase they were too scared if the consequences so they just accepted the Nazis. The Nazis could stop anyone they wanted sonobody could start an uprising.

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Schutzstaffel Role in the Nazi Police State

  • Originally were Hitlers private bodyguards when set up in 1925.
  • Became the most important armed group in Germany.
  • One section looked after the security and policing.
  • One section were the elite forces in the army.
  • One section ran the death camps and the concentration camps.
  • Only pure Aryan Germans were allowed.
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Gestapo Role in the Nazi Police State

  • Were secret police.
  • Their job was to crush anyone who was against Hitler.
  • They spied onpeople who they thought was a threat.
  • Could arrest, trial and torture whoever they wanted.
  • Had a huge network of informers.
  • Even children were encouraged to report their parents for anti-Hitler activities.
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Police and Courts Role in the Nazi Police State

  • Ordinary police ignored crimes commited by the Nazis.
  • Law courts were under Nazi control.
  • Some new laws included: Telling and anti-Hitler joke, having sex with a Jew, and listening to a foreign radio station. Which resulted in death.
  • All judges were Nazis.
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Concentration Camps role in the Nazi Police State

  • Set up as soon as Hitler came to power.
  • Nazis sent people they didn't like to them.
  • Main people sent there were: Jews, homsexuals, gypsies, political opponents and anyone who critised Hitler.
  • Inmates were forced to do hard work and listen to Nazi ideas all day.
  • Some were tortured or worked to death.
  • Conditions were extremely harsh.
  • Little Food.
  • Disease and illness were common.
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