Music Revision

  • Created by: Holly
  • Created on: 19-05-13 13:37

Capercaillie - Skye Waulking Song

General Points

Scottish Band

- Gaelic Folk Music

- with elements of rock

- Celtic Rock

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Capercaillie - Skye Waulking Song


- Both folk + rock instruments

- Rock instruments Include; Synthesizer, Piano, Bass guitar, drum kit

- Folk instruments Include: violin (fiddle), accordian, pipes and bouzouki

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Capercaillie - Skye Waulking Song


- A layered texture created through the following;

- A rhythmic pattern on drum kit

- A bass line on bass guitar

- Chords on synthesizer + accordian

- Counter melodies on the melody instruments

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Capercaillie - Skye Waulking Song


Phrase 1; Call (in Gaelic)

Refrain 1: Response (vocables)

Overal - Verse 1, Verse 2, coda

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Capercaillie - Skye Waulking Song


Piece in pentatonic

mainly syllabic 

Alterative between 1 bar phrases

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Capercaillie - Skye Waulking Song


Time signuture in 12/8

Syncopated in vocal and instrumental lines

use of cross rhythms 

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Capercaillie - Skye Waulking Song


In the key G Major

G, Eminor, C are the 3 main chords

it is modal free

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