Lexis and Semantics key terminology


what is lexis and what is semantics?

Lexis: Vocabulary, and the types of words that are used 

Semantics: How words create meaning 

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What is denotation and connotation?

The dennotation is the literally understand/ physical meaning of a phrase or symbol (e.g. a thumbs up) however the conotation is the understanding that the thumbs up means 'good' or 'well'.  We only understand what the meaning is because we have connotations with certain symbols.

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What is a collocation?

Collocations are words or groups of words that are often used together

these combinations sound very natural to native speakers but can be challenging for forigners 

some examples are : 'a nice cup of tea' or 'rich taste' or 'heavy rain' 

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what is an idiom?

Idioms are groups of words whose individual meanings dont aquate to their collective meaning that dont literally make sense but insinuate a different meaning. 

An example is 'last straw' or 'knock your socks off' doesnt mean to literally pull someones socks off it means to be shocked or suprised 

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what are idioms usuallu used for?

To implicitly talk about taboo subjects such as sex or death in a way that wont socially cause offense.

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what is the semantic feild?

A semantic feild is a group of words which are related in meaning to a particular theme 

such as the semantic feild of witchcraft, or weather.

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What is valancy

Is the ability for a word to belong to more than one semantic feild 

the more specialised the word the less valancy it has 

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What are Euphamisms and Dysphemisms

A euphamism is a way of saying something to be polite. The expressions are usually used around taboo topics to avoid directly saying something such as 'adult entertainment' meaning ***********. 

A dyphamism is a derogatory harsher way of saying something instead of a pleasant or neutral term. they are used with people you feel comfterable with also used in social bonding for comedy 

Euphamism:  Bun in the oven 

Neautral: Pregnant 

Dyphamism: Knocked up 

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What are port-mantou words?

A hybird of two words literally and their meaning

e.g. banoffee = toffee and banana 

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What is a propietry etonym?

names that originally belonged to one company but are now everyone uses as a generisism such as 'hoover' is a company but insead of vaccum cleaner people call them 'hoovers' even if its made by dyson 

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What does the phrase 'to coin a word mean' ?

To use it for the first time 

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What does the phrase 'to coin a word mean' ?

To use it for the first time 

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What is etemology?

the origin of the word where it comes from

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