Key Terms

  • Created by: Anna
  • Created on: 09-05-13 16:30

Key Terms

  • Birth Rate - The number of Births per 1,000 people per year in a region. 
  • Core - The most developed and highly populated region of a country. 
  • Cumalitive Causation - A model that explains why wealth becomes concentrated in certain places. 
  • Death Rate - The number of deaths per 1,000 people per year in a country. 
  • Deindustriaisation - The decline of regionally important manufacturing industries. 
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Key Terms

  • Dependancy - When a nation relies for income on outside sources and has only weak control over it own economic future.
  • Development Gap - The difference in levels of economic and social well being between the richest and poorest people on the planet. 
  • Displaced persons - People who are forced to move, by war, famine, political persecution or natural disaster.
  • Ecological Footprint - A measurement of the area of land or water required to provide a person/soceity with the energy, resources and goods they consume and the waste they produce. 
  • Economic Migrant - A migrant whose primary goal is to seek employment. 
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Key Terms

  • Export Processing Zone -A small industrial area, where favourable conditions are created to attract foreign TNC's. 
  • Externalities - The range of benefits and costs generated by economic activity that are not fully accounted for e.g. pollution.
  • Foreign Direct Investment - A financial injection made by a TNC into a nation's economy e.g. building new facilities. 
  • Global Hub - A settlement providing a focal point for for activities that have a global influence.
  • Global Shift - The global-scale relocation of different types of industrial activity e.g. manfacturing. 
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Key Terms

  • Global Shift - The global-scale relocation of different types of industrial activity e.g. manfacturing. 
  • Greying Population - A population structure in which the proportion of people aged over 65 is high and rising. 
  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - A measure of the financial value of goods and sevices produced with a territory. 
  • Human Development Index - A United Nations measure of economic and social development that takes into account income per capita, life expectancy and adult literacy.
  • Illegal Migrants - People who avoid border and immigration controls and enter a new country illegally.
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Key Terms

  • Internal Migrants - The movement of people between different regions within the same nation. 
  • Intervening Obstacle - barrier to a migrant such as a political boarder or physical feature e.g. mountains. 
  • Intervening Opportunity - an alternative migration destination that exists between the migrants place of origin and inended destination. 
  • Multiplyer Effect - The positive spin-off's that follow an initial investment in a region. 
  • Natural Increase - The difference between the birth rate and death rate, usually converted into a percentage.
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Key Terms

  • Net Migration - The balance between immigration and emigration.
  • Petrodollars - Money derived from selling oil.
  • Poverty: Absolute Poverty - income levels below what is needed to maintain and adequate diet. - Relative Poverty - Income levels that are below average for a region. 
  • Purchasing Power Parity - A measure of average wealth of people in a country.
  • Rural-Urban Migration - A movement of population from rural to urban areas. 
  • Shrinking World - Distant places start to feel closer and take less time to reach due to technology.  
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Key Terms

  • Social Mobility - The movement of individuals between different levels of a social hierarchy. 
  • Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAP's) - Strict conditions imposed on countries receiving loans from the IMF and World Bank. 
  • Switched-On Places - Nations, regions or cities that are strongly connected to other places through the production and consuption of goods and services. 
  • Switched-Off Places - nations, regions or cities that are poorly connected. 
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Key Terms

  • Tertiary Sector - Also known as the Service Sector, consisting of businesses that produce no physical product but either sell a product or offer a service such as tourism/education.
  • Transnational Corporation (TNC's) - A company that has operations in more than one country. 
  • Voluntary Migrants - People who move for quality of life reasons. 
  • World City - A city with major economic and political power e.g. New York. 
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