Key Assumptions

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  • Created on: 14-06-15 15:42

Physiological/Biological Approach

Behaviour is the consequence of genetics and brain functioning, additionally behaviour is an expression of evolutionary factors

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Developmental Approach

We develop, as individuals, through stages. As we grow, we also develop schema's. Behavioural development is an ongoing process and changes result from an interaction of nature and nurture.

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Cognitive Approach

Our behaviour can be explained as a series of responses to external stimuli. Behaviour is controlled by our own thought processes, as opposed to genetic factors. Information is recieved and processed by the brain, thus behaviour is explained via this processing and interpretation of information.

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Individual Differences Approach

The main assumption of the individual differences perspective is that to understand the complexity of human behaviour and experiences it necessary to study the differences between people. For example the individual differences approach largely focuses on things such as personality differences, and abnormality.

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Social Approach

Our behaviour, cognitions, and emotions are effected by interactions with other people. Social behaviour is largely explained via Social Identity Theory (Social conformity between 'In' and 'Out' groups.)

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Behaviourist Perspective

Behaviourism is largely concerned with observeable behaviour. Behaviour is explained in terms of response to a stimulus, and all behaviour is learnt via the environment.

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Psychodynamic Perspective

All behaviour can be explained in terms of the inner conflicts of the mind. The psychodynamic perspective looks at the importatnce of the role of the unconscious mind, the structure of personality and the influence that childhood experiences have on later life and development.

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