
  • Created by: lyd_kate
  • Created on: 22-05-18 18:13

Character development

Calls Agamemnon a dog - says he would not take gifts as numerous as grains of sand. Achilles still angry - book 9

Patroclus stands up to Achilles - Thetis was not your mother, but the grey sea - book 16 Different to when he was silent book 11. Mocks Cebriones, hubristic - book 16

Paris - Have i been too leisurely? - Shows cowardly attitude as stated by others  justifies book 3 black death comment in that society - book 6

Odyssesus - relays speech from Agamemnon giving back Chryseis - meant to be great orator - book 1 whereas Priam in book 3 says he is a great speaker

Achilles - even Niobe ate to Priam - coming back into human society (food) - book 24

Achilles - dogs will eat Hector raw - still angry despite Hector's death - book 23

Helen stands up to Aphrodite - suggesting she should sleep with Paris showing how she regrets her actions book 3 - Also in book 6 wishes she was never born

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Meleager - warning to Achilles to not be too hubristic as dire consequences - Phoenix - book 9

Patroclus to Hector - Achilles would return to kill him - book 16. Similar to Hector warning Achilles about Paris/Apollo - book 22

Achilles says he will not make deals go straight to the fight after Hector asks to have body given back - book 22

Apollo warns Patroclus to stay away from the gates of Troy - not his fate to go through. Links to Achilles' suspicions of Apollo - know Patroclus will die - book 16

Priam tries to get Hector to come back as Achilles would not be kind to him - destroyed many sons, ***** daughters, pillaged bedrooms. - thinking will he stay or will he go? - book 22

Hecabe warns Priam it will most likely not be safe to go to try and get Hector's body returned - book 24

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Hector calls Andromache dear heart, wishes best for Astyanax, may earth be piled high above me - book 6

Hector/Paris = uneasy relationship as Hector seen to be domiant calling Paris a parody in book 3, with Pris respecting his brother  'tireless like an axe' - book 6

Thetis calls Achilles a sapling - suggests she is very close to her son and is saddened by the fct that he is has not been able to grow further due to his fate

Achilles and Agamemnon - I will take your or odysseus' prize - has no real concern for others emotions - book 19 blames Delusion may have been a valid attempt to reconcile with Achilles

Zeus threatens Hera - shows their uneasy relationship book 1 - does not want to displease her in book 4 though

Priam has a strong relationship with Hector - wishes all his other sons had died and not Hector - book 24

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Zeus is saddened over the death of Sarpedon - this is an unhappy business book 16. Although this loses its impact as the same is also said for Hector in book 22 - ability to memorise quickly = function?

Andromache talking about how Asytanax will go from table to table asking for food generates pathos for his sad fate - book 22

Helen states that Hector was the only one who cared for her - display of her grief book 24

Briseis gives a speech about how much Patroclus meant to her - was always kind, was going to help her marry Achilles book 19

Andromache - tells story of how her mother and father were both killed by Achilles, generates pathos for her, she only has Hector left - book 6.

Helen suspects her brothers were too ashamed when audience knows that they're dead. Pathos as realise that she feels guilty for what she has done and also isolated from key members of her family

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