International Conflict - Israel/Gaza

  • Created by: natatalie
  • Created on: 08-11-15 20:14

History/Background - Israel/Gaza

  • 1930's, 1/4 million Jews moved to Palestine
  • 1936, Palestinian Arabs rose up against the Jewish community
  • 1947, the UN broke up the land into Arab (Gaza and the West Bank) and Jewish (Israel) sectors
  • 1967, 6-day war, Arabs took over Gaza and the West Bank
  • 1987, Arab uprising, more than 1200 died
  • 2006, Hamas gained power in Gaza (militant group)
  • 2014 July, 2200 killed (mostly Palestinians) during 50 days of violence
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Environmental Impacts - Israel/Gaza

  • Rubble from destroyed buildings in Gaza
  • Over 1000 tunnels dug between Gaza and Egypt to get supplies like cement, car parts etc
  • Tunnels bombed by Egyptians
  • Large loss of agricultural land
  • Some areas destroyed by explosions
  • Mediteranean sea being polluted by Gaza from sewage
    • Bad for fisherman
  • Suffering from a lot of pollution 
    • Landfill sites not sanitary
    • Waste can drain into water supply
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Economic Impacts - Israel/Gaza

  • Fishing boats restricted to 20miles from Gazan coast (Israelis are known to stop after only 2 miles)
  • Those who die in the tunnels can no longer pay for their family (3 killed per week)
  • Majority of Gazans live in poverty
  • Conflict has affected the economic growth of the area
  • Palestinians do not own a proper country, so they cant properly internationally trade
  • Palestinians rely heavily on international aid
  • 40% of Gazans are unemployed
  • Food prices have risen during the blockade
    • Rice is up 21%
    • Wheat flour up 34%
  • Iron Missile Dome System in Israel
    • each system costs $50 million to install
    • each missile costs $60 000 to launch
  • 300 families without income in Beit Lahiya due to unplanted land
    • only 275 acres of 625 acres planted with strawberries
  • Tourism in Eilat, Israel down 42% since the year 2000
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Social Impacts - Israel/Gaza

  • Lots of psychological damage
  • 300 children died in one assault on Gaza
  • Lots of tunnel workers from Rahat die when the tunnels collapse 
  • Between 10,000 and 50,000 civilian deaths between 1948 and 1997
  • Places of religion have been destroyed - cultural loss
  • People cant get from Gaza to Israel to get the hospital care they might need
  • Hospitals occasionally experince power cuts for 8-12 hours
  • Hamas have youth camps for 15-21 years to learn about weapons and hatred
  • The UN say that 1/3 of Gazan children are traumatised by the war
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Syria Conflict


  • Political repression - Assad runs a one party system - Many people only saw an uprising as leading to change
  • Uneven economy
  • Population growth
    • 1/4 million new arrivals to job market every year
    • Unproductive public sector
  • Economic corruption
    • Well placed payments by richer people
    • People unhappy because of failure to produce long promised economic and political reforms
  • Children killed after grafitiing anti-regime ideas
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Syria - Impacts


  • More than 200,000 Syrians lost lives in 4 years
  • More than 11 million forced to leave homes
  • Human Development Index reduced by 32.6% since 2010
  • Reduced life expectancy by 30 years


  • 4 in every 5 Syrians living in poverty
  • Total economic loss of $202.6 billion at the end of 2014
  • 50% of healthcare and infrastructure destroyed


  • 60% of old city in Aleppo destroyed
  • Chemical warfare affecting environment
    • Toxic residue from artillery and other bombs
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