Important Events in the Reformation in Europe (c1500-1564)

Revision for important events and dates that occurred in the European Reformation (c1500-1564).

  • Created by: Blaahhh
  • Created on: 18-04-11 11:36

Germany and the Lutheran Reformation

1510 - Luther visits Rome - First findings of corruption in high ecclesiastical places.

1514 - John Tetzel Begins Sales of Indulgences (Launched in order to pay for building the new St Peter's Basilica in Rome.

1517 - The 95 Theses - Luther enraged, attacks sale of indulgences.

1518 - Meeting at Augsburg (Cajetan) - Luther meets Pope Leo X's representative Cardinal Cajetan.

1519 - Leipzig Debate - Luther debates his views with John Eck.

1520 - Luther excommunicated, Luther writes 24 books setting out views.

1521 - Diet of Worms - Didn't give up his views on great evils of the papacy.

1522 - Translates and publishes New Testament in German.

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Germany and the Lutheran Reformation (Cont.)

1524-5 - The Peasants' War - Series of outbreaks of violence.

1530 - Diet of Augsburg - Relative compromise reached, helped restore unity.

1531 - Schmalkaldic League formed - John of Saxony & Phillip of Hesse.

1541 - Colloquy of Regensburg (Compromise FAIL), Bigamy of Philip Hesse.

1546 - Death of Luther.

1555 - Peace of Augsburg

1560 - Death of Philip Melancthon

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The Swiss Reformers and Calvinism

1523 - Zwingli's reformation in Zurich.

1528 - Reformation in Berne and Basel.

1536 - First edition of the Institutes of the Christian Religion.

1536-8 - Calvin's first ministry in Geneva.

1541 - Calvin returns to Geneva; the Ecclesiastical Ordinances.

1555 - Defeat of the Libertines; Servetus burned at the stake; Growth of Calvinism in France.

1559 - Genevan Academy set up.

1560-2 - John Knox establishes Calvinism in Scotland.

1564 - Death of Calvin.

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The Radical Reformation

1522 -  Luther denounces Carlstadt and the Zwickau prophets.

1524-5 -  Thomas Munzer linked to Peasants' Revolt.

1534-5 -  The 'Kingdom of Munster' - Matthys and Bockelson.

1541-50 - Anabaptist persecutions.

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The Catholic Church and the Catholic Reform

1503 - Erasmus's Handbook of a Christian Soldier written.

1509 - Erasmus's Praise of Folly written.

1512 - Fifth Lateran Council begins.

1517 - Lateran Council closes; Oratory of Divine Love founded in Rome.

1522 - Ignatius of Loyola begins the Spiritual Exercises

Between 1524-1540 many orders were founded Theatines(1524), Capuchins(1528), Somaschi (1532), Barnabites(1533), Ursulines(1535) and the Jesuit Order(1540)

1527 - Sack of Rome

1534 - Paul III becomes pope; Ignatius founds Company of Jesus

1536 - Death of Erasmus

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The Catholic Church and the Catholic Reform (Cont.

1542 - Roman Inquisition

1545-7 - Council of Trent (First Session)

1549 - Death of Paul III; Jesuits in Brazil; Xavier in Japan;

1551-2 - Council of Trent (Second Session)

1556 - Death of Ignatius

1562-3 - Council of Trent (Third Sesion)

1566 - Roman Catechism

Other Key Political Events: 

1519 - Charles V becomes Emperor        1530 - Diet of Augbsurg

1544 - Peace of Crepy

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