ICT Revision

The basics about IF, OR and AND functions.


IF Functions Part 1

=IF(B2>=75,"Distinction",IF(B2>=50,"Pass","Fail")) If B2 equals 83 then the answer can be Distinction or Pass, however the priority always goes to the first statement, explaining why anything which isn't Pass or Distinction is Fail.

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IF Functions Part 2

=IF(B2>D2,"Home",IF(B2<D2,"Away",IF(B2=D2,"Draw"))), so if Team 1 (B2) scores one and Team 2 (D2) scores two the answer is Away.

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OR Functions Part 1

=IF(OR(B2<75, C2<75), "Foundation","higher"), so if B2 is smaller than 75 and C2 is greater than or equal to 75 the answer is Foundation; if both are greater than 74 the answer is Higher.

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OR Functions Part 2

=IF(OR(B2<C2,D2="Selling Fast"),"Yes","No"), so if the stock level (B2) is 60 and the re-order level (C2) is 75 than the answer to re-ordering is Yes, or if the stock level is okay but the stock is Selling Fast than the answer is still Yes.

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AND Functions Part 1

=IF(AND(B2<75, C2<75), "Foundation","Higher"), so if B2 and C2 are smaller than 75 the answer is foundation otherwise the answer is Higher.

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AND Functions Part 2

=IF(AND(B2<=$B$12,B2>=$B$11),"Set 2",""), the $ sign means that the letter or number afterwards stays the same when the formula is copied into other cells.

Having nothing in the quote marks means that the answer is blank, if no quote marks were included then the answer would be FALSE.

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