How did the Liberals help the sick,elderly and unemployed?

  • Created by: SLowther
  • Created on: 17-11-16 16:20

How they helped children

Measures taken by Liberals

  • 1906- School Meals Act was passed which allowed local authorities to provide free school meal.
  • 1907- School medical service 
  • 1908- Children and Young Persons Act meant children were protected people and it was illegal to insure their lives. Bostals housed young offenders.

Limitations of the reforms

  • Only half of Britains local authorities set up a meals' service 
  • Medical care varied widely throughout the country
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How they helped the old

Measures taken by the Liberals

  • 1908
  • Government funded the Old Age pension which made people more independent.
  • People recieved it without having to put money towards a pension fund.

Limitations to the reforms

  • Only given to British citizens who earned less then £31.
  • Pension could be refused to those who had failed to work to their best.
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How they helped the sick

Measures taken by the Liberals

  •  National Insurance Act-1911 
  • Provided health insurance
  • Workers paid 4d, employers added 3d and the government a further 2d. This was paid into a friendly society.
  • Worker recieved up to 26 weeks sick pay and free medical care.

Limitations of the reforms

  • Families of workers weren't entitled to free treatment.
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How they helped the unemployed or underemployed

Measures taken by the Liberals

  • Unemployed workers could sign up to a register and find out about available work.
  • 1909- Government set up its own Labour Exchange
  • By 1913, 3000 people were put in jobs everyday
  • National Insurance Act-  during time of unemployment, workers would recieve 7 shillings for up to15 weeks . 
  • Delibrately low so it encouraged people to look for work and not just sit bakc and enjoy the benefits.

Limitations to the reforms

  • Not given a lot of money as part of the benefit 
  • Not enought to support a working man and family.
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