Liberal Reforms

Why did the Liberal reforms help children more then other groups?
It provided more for children for example, free school meals and inspections. Also, there were less restrictions
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Who investigated in Poverty first?
Charles Booth
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Why did Booth investigate in poverty?
He wanted to know the cause and statistics of poverty
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What did Booth find out?
90% people were poor because of circumstances they could not control. Only 10% were poor because of their own faults
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What did society believe was the reason of poverty before Booth's findings?
That people were poor because they gambled and drunk it all away
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What was there to help the poor before the liberal reforms?
Some charities and churches
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Did the poor ask for help before the reforms?
No because it would lower their pride
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What was the purpose of publishing booth's findings?
To shows people the reason for poverty as to encourage them to donate more money to chairites.
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What are the steps of answering an inference question?
Explain message of source, suppourt with detail, use own knowledge, Reiterate overall message
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What is absolute poverty?
Not being able to earn enough for a living
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What is relative poverty?
Only being poor compared to the rich
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What is undeserving Poverty?
Peoples fault for being poor
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What is deserving poverty?
People who faced poverty because of circumstances out of their control
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Who were taxed more to pay for the liberal reforms?
The rich and landowners
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Who may think it is fair to tax the rich more? Why?
The poor and the goverment because they need the money
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Who may think it's unfair to tax the rich more?
The rich because they don't want to give their money away
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How did the liberal reforms help children?
Protection, free school meals, free check ups
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What was the labour exchange act?
A place where people offering work could advertise it for unemployed people, rather then them asking around. Jobseekers.
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What was the national insurance?
A law that provided seasonal and sick workers with money to get by.
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Good luck Sahar !
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who investigated in Poverty first?


Charles Booth

Card 3


Why did Booth investigate in poverty?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did Booth find out?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did society believe was the reason of poverty before Booth's findings?


Preview of the front of card 5
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