Growing Disagreements between Warwick and the King


Growing disagreements between Warwick and the king

There were growing disagreement between Warwick and the King because:

  • There was a choice to ally with France, which was a way of blocking a possible ally for the exiled Lancastrians, or Burgandy which was an advantage because there would be trade and a counter balance against France and Scotland. 
  • However, Edward chose Burgandy, which annoyed Warwick who favoured a French alliance, therefore he felt humiliated.
  • Also, Edward IV sanctioned the marriage of his sister Margaret, to Charles the Bold in 1468. 
    • This would sement the alliance together. 
  • At the same time, Edward prepared for war against France, beccause international quarrels are put aside, to unite the Lancastrians and Yorkists. 
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Warwick's and Edward's Responds to his marriage to

Warwick's Responds:

  • After hearing the news of Edward's marriage with Elizabeth Woodville, Warwick sulked and withdrew from court. 

Edward's Response to Warwick's actions:

  • Edward IV went out of his way to reward his erstwhite ally. 
  • Warwick was granted the wardship of Francis Lord Lovell.
  • The king installed his younger brother, Richard, in Warwick's household at Middleham in Yorkshire. 
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The Rebellion of 1469

Warwick's Rebellion:

  • Warwick encouraged a rising in yorkshire, which was led by his steward, Sir John Coyers. 
  • Edward's forces were overwhelmed at Edgecote and the King was captured at olney by Warwick's brother George Neville. 
  • Edward was now a helpless captive. 
  • Warwick persuaded Edward's brother George, Duke of Clarence, to join the plot and marry Isobel Neville (Warwick's elder daughter).

Warwick the Kingmaker:

  • Warwick was the mightest of over mighty subjects, a description by A.J Pollard. 
  • Warwick put Edward IV on the throne in 1461.
  • He played a pivotal role in deposing Edward in 1469 and restoring the hapless Henry VI in 1470. 
  • Warwick was certainly more mightier than Richard Duke of York, but he too fell from power. 
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