Globalization studies


Moscato et al. (2014)

aim: to show that in families in which partners come from different cultural backgrounds, that can impede such integration
procedure: the participants were intercultural couples from Spain and Italy with origns in Africa, Middle East; they filled questionnaires tha were used to measure identity, discrimination, sense of community and satisfaction in the relationship
results: foreign partners' feelings of satisfaction weren't inked to their cultural ingroup but were likely to be linked with the cultural outgroup of their partner
findings: identification with a cultural ingroup can be less important in cultural integration

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Fail et al. (2004)

aim: to examine the lives of a group of international students who attended international school 20-50 years ago
procedure: researchers used interviews and questionnaires to cover data concerning participants' sense of belonging, nature of relationships formed and identity
results: some participants felt marginal to the mainstream and outsiders in a culture they lived in, claimed to have no real sense of belonging and multiple sense of belonging to many places, one recalled that adjustment to university in a passport country resulted in a identity crisis because they were used to be foreign

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Choi et al. (2017)

aim: to explore how culture affects family processes in Korean American families
procedure: longitudinal study with 256 adolescents from American Midwest urban area, method used is questionnaires on factors involving enculturation and acculturation, family bonding, affection and conflict, children were assessed for depressive symptoms and antisocial behaviour
results: identity and behaviour enculturation in the Korean culture predicted bonding of the adolescents to their parents
findings: illustration of how far different factors have an impact on family relationships and actions within the mainstream culture

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Gonzales et al. (2004)

aim: to understand the processes of enculturation and acculturation of Latino youth who had moved with their families as migrants to the U.S.
procedure: review of previous studies
results: children of migrants have higher rates of delinquency, symptoms of depression and greater exposure to acculturation stress, the standard view is that culture acts as an impediment to adjustment
findings: these are evident when the behaviours, values and attitudes are incompatible with the host culture

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