Getting Marks in the Exam


AO1 and AO2

Look out for words like "State" or "List"

AO1 - marks are for Content and Knowledge

AO2 - marks are for Application (apply the knowledge to a situation)

Numerical calculations are also application

Example question:

What is meant by the term ‘demand’?

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AO3 - Look out for "Analyse", "Examin" or "Explain why"

Analysis; thingsing about the benefits, drawbacks, causes, effects and limitations.

Explain your knowledge and give Reasons

If there is Data ;

  • What does the figures means?
  • What might have caused them?
  • What effects yout hink it has on the future? 

Context; compare a situation with the industry or a competitor

Look at both sides of the arguement

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AO4 - Look out for words like "Evaluate", "Discuss", "Justify" or "To what extent"

Evlatuation; so using your judgment

Weight Up both sides of the arguement


  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • Your Side of the arguement

Always justify why your answer - why you're saying what you're saying

Relate answer to the business described in the question and the situation in the question.

  • Why the business would make a particular decision
  • How and why the circumstances would affect their decision.
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