GCSE History, Life in Germany 1918-1933

Cards to revise key dates of events in Germany 1918-1933.

  • Created by: Alice
  • Created on: 22-01-11 22:14

When was the Treaty of Versailles signed?

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28th June 1919

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When was the Spartacist Uprising and who lead the revolt?

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January 1919, main leaders: Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebneckt

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When was the Kapp Putsch and who lead it?

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March 1920, led by Wolfgang Kapp

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What were the 4 main problems that Putsches caused for the Weimar Republic?

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  • They Created instability
  • They created lack of confidence
  • They created fear of violent revolution
  • They restricted foreign economic investment
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When did France invade the Ruhr valley and what did this cause?

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1923, and the invasion of the Ruhr valley caused Hyperinflation.

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State the 4 main plans/pacts Gustav Sressemann introduced to help the German economy during his rein from 1924-1929.


  • 2 Plans helped Germany pay off its debts.
  • 1 Pact helped Germany to prevent being invaded again.
  • Another Plan marked Germany's return as a key country to European politics.
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The Dawes Plan (1924) and the Young Plan (1929) helped Germany to pay off its debts with help from America.

The Locarno Pact (1925) was signed to make sure France would not occupy the Ruhr again.

The League of Nations (1926) marked the return of Germany as a key country in European politics.

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What Happened on the 29th of October, 1929?

Also, who died before this event?

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The Wall Street Crash

Stressemann died.

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What happened on the 9th of November, 1923?

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The Munich Putsch

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In July 1932, how many seats did the Nazi party win?

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230 seats. This made the Nazi Party the largest single party in the Reichstag.

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When did Hitler become chancellor of Germany with Von Papen as his vice chancellor?

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30th January 1933

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When did the Reichstag fire happen and who was blamed for it?

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The Reichstag fire happened on the 27th February, 1933, an young Dutch socialist, Marinus van der Lubbe was arrested and convicted for the crime.

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When was the Enabling Law passed and what did it enable Hitler to do?

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The Enabling Law was passed on the 23rd March, 1933 and it gave Hitler, as chancellor, the power to draw up laws for the next 4 years without consulting the Reichstag.

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Name 3 laws Hitler introduced in 1933 with the power of the Enabling Act.

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  • 7th April - Nazi officials took over local government
  • 2nd May - All Trade Unions were abolished
  • 14th July - Law against the formation of new parties
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What happened during the period 29th of June - 2nd of July in 1934?

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The 'Night of the Long Knives'

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On the 2nd of August, 1934, President Hindenburg died, What did Hitler do after his death?

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He made himself Fuhrer and Reich Chancellor

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What is meant by a polycratic dictatorship?

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Hitler gave many positions of power inside the Nazi state, this encouraged competition within the Nazi party where Nazis tryed to out do each other in carrying out the Fuhrer's wishes, this was called a polycratic dictatorship.

Key figures in this dictatorship were:

Herman Goring - Head of Luftwaffe, Head of economy from 1936

Joseph Goebbels - Minister of propaganda

Heinrich Himmler - Head of the **

Martin Borman - Secretary to the Fuhrer

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When did Von Stauffenberg carry out the bomb plot attack upon Hitler?

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20th July, 1944

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When was Kristallnacht?

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10th November 1938

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When were the Nuremberg Laws introduced and what did they consist of?

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i) The Reich Citizenship Act that said no Jew could be a German citizen.

ii) The Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honour this banned marriage or any sexual intercourse between Jews and German citizens.

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What were the three 'Ks' and what did they mean?

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Kinder, Kirche and Kuche

Meaning Children, Church and Cooking.

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What does 'autarky' mean?

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thanks fam ;DDDDDDDD

Chelsea Kwakye


Bre helped bruv safe g yh mans gnnah get dis A 

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