G672 Topic 4 studies


Young and willmot study 2 - 4A

As well as the move for women towards paid labour the traditional segregated division of labour in the home was breaking down in the 70's.  Male and female relationships in the family were becoming conjugal and turning into symetrical roles so though women did primary house work man did 40% women did 40% paid work etc.  This is sue to the decline in the extended family and the increasing empolyment oportunities for women.

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Gernshay - 4A

Time budget analysis respondents kept on a day to day basis and a cross cultural evidence from canada and europe found a clear trend towards men doing more domestic work and in greater proportions than generations before. He is hopeful that as time goes on roles will become more and more symetrical.

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Burghes - 4A

Men have an increasingly active role in their childrens emotional development

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Dex - 4A

Fathers want to spend more time with their children but are prevented by long working hours.

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Beck - 4A

Fathers can no longer look to their jobs to provide a sense of identity and fufillment so look to their children for a sense of identity and purpose.

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100 hours  a week on domestic work 40 on childcare comparend to mens 48 hours of paid work.

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Garrod - 4A

"do it alls" reaserch into buissness women and found that despite their demanding proffessional jobs they did three times as much domestic work as their husbands.

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Elston - 4a

Male and female doctors

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men tollerate women working as long as they take primaryy responsibility for child care.

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Dunscome and marsden - 4A

interveiwed 40 couples and found most women complained about mens emotional distnce feeling that they took on most of the emotional work in the relationship thinking of the others feelings and talking through problems.

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Hardill et al - 4A

power distrobution in dual earner households using semi structured interveiws. 19 households the mans carear came first in 5 the womans came first. It was most likely the man who made decisions about where to live if and buying cars though a significant minority lived in egalitarian relationships.

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Dobash and Dobash

one in five women expereince domestic abuse across their life times.

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Dunne - 4A

37 cohabiting lesbians in depth semi structured interveiws. Found that they took turns with who took part in more paid employment. The birth mother was not allways the primary carer in fact neither were it was almost equally divided. None did more than 60% housework and this was often because the other was working.

she concludes that the boundries between masculinity and femininity and the hierachial nature of relationships with men being dominent help produce conventional divisions of labour in hetro households the best way to change this is to give greater value to "femenine tasks" such as childcare.

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Cunningham - 4B

Three principuls that form the basis for contemporary parenting

1 children should be seperate from the adult world

2 childrens happieness is paramount

3 children should be protected from the adult world.

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Jenks - 4B

we live in a child centred society where the needs of children are more important than the needs of adults. the nurturing of children is seen as more important than the well being of adults.

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Furedi - 4B

traditionally good parenting was stiumlating and careing for your children now it is protecting your children from danger ie pheodophiles, bullies and accidents. Pariniod parents results in **** adults.

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Phillips - 4B

she has a conventional aproach to childhood and beleives two things are leading to its breakdown.

1. liberal ideas- which having given too many rights and powers to children and they no longer have a healthy respect for authority.

2 the media and peer group becoming more important than parents- magazines aimed at young girls pop music and t.v are a problem as they encourage young girls to see themselfs as sexual beings from a younger age.

conceqently childhood has shortended it is no longer a sacred period of 13-14 years. She beleives that children do not have the emotinal maturity to cope with the rights and choices they are given today and this leads to problems such as suicide, depression and eating dissorders.

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Postman - 4B

end of innocence.  Childhood is only possible if children are seperated and protected from the adult world esepcially the mass media and T.V. The growth of T.V means that children are exposed to everything and there is nothing kept from them. Children are becoming more and more adult like in the way they speak dress and talk.  the boudries between the adult and child world are breaking down therefor this is the end of childhood.

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Jenks - 2 4B

Children are controlle and regulated by legislation which controls their behaviour in public spaces such as the consumption of alchohol and cigarettes, education, sexuality and political rights. Laws protect children from taking on adult roles until they reach a spesific age parents enforce these rules for the most part.

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Buckingham - 4B

children are growing in control of the consumer market as they have buying power and control what is being sold to them.

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Morrow - 4B

Children can be constructed nd reflective contributers to family life most of the children he intereveiwed did not want to make decisions by themselfs but wanted a say in what happened to them.

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Palmer- 4B

T.V babysitters and parents put less and less time into interacting with their children. Parents may even be abusive and cruel to the children or ngelct them. The NSPCC found extensive evidence to suggest mass neglect and abuse in Britian in 2009 16,900 childen in Britian were placed under a child protection order for neglect.

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