Topic 6: Marxism

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  • Topic 6: Marxism
    • Introduction
      • Outline Marxism
      • Show that not all agree
    • Paragraph 1
      • Explain the three Marxist perspectives
      • Althusser
        • Ideological state functions
          • RSAs and ISAs - ISAs perform two different funtions
            • Reproduce
            • Legitimate class inequality
      • Bowles and Gintis
        • Hidden curriculum
        • Myth of meritocracy
      • Willis
        • Learning to labor
          • The Lads' case study
    • Paragraph 2
      • Topics 1&2 - class
      • Inequality of opportunity and achievemnt
      • Bernstein
      • Feinstein
    • Paragraph 3
      • Alternative view - functionalists
      • Durkheim
        • Solidarity and skills
      • Parons
        • Untitled


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