English Language Graphology

The basics of graphology.

  • Created by: Shauni
  • Created on: 15-05-12 17:36


font type, size, colour, emboldening, italicising, underlining and any other modification to font types.

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Cultural Model:

an organisational structure based on shared and agreed criteria by groups of people within a society.

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an agreed or shared feature.

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The shape of a text often gives an indication of its genre and text producers may rely on a reader's knowledge of genre conventions to help them identify the purpose and meaning of a text

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Iconic Signs:

a direct picture of the thing it represents.

often simplified for a basic reference for the reader.

straightforward representation of wheat they stand for.

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Symbolic Signs:

draw on associations or connotation and are usually defined by cultural convention.

provide meaning because society has placed certain values or qualities on them.

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The layout of the text in terms of the positioning of images and text is important in maximising its impact on the reader, as is the amount of detail it contains.

Cluttered and unhelpfully laid-out texts or those containing insufficient detail are poor examples of writing.

Empty space is as meaningful as filled ones- Goddard

Where we expect language to occur, its non-occurence is in itself an attention-seeking device.

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ben dibb-fuller


not even worth my time. Reporting this to site manager its that bad.

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