English Literature - Poems - Envy


Envy - Mary Lamb - Quotes

  • "The rose-tree is not made to bear the violet bl ue, nor the lily fair, nor the sweet mignionet." - The poet states that nothing is meant to be more than what it already is.
  • "if this tree where discontent, or wished to change it's natural bent, it all in vein would fret" - The poet states it's frivolous to worry about being something that you're not as nothing can come of it.
  • "should it fret, you would suppose it ne'er had seen it's own red rose, nor after gentle shower had ever smelled it's rose's scent." - The fixation on changing it's natural form inhibits it from seeing the assets it already has and prevents it from appreciating them.
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Envy - Mary Lamb - Quotes

  • "Like such a blind and senseless tree as I've imagined this to be, all envious persons are" - The poet views envious people as blind to their own assets and she sees the idea of being envious of someone or something else to be completely irrational.
  • "With care and culture all may find some pretty flower in their own mind, some talent that is rare." - There is no reason to be envious of others as everyone has something unique and valuable.
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Envy - Mary Lamb - Structure

  • Follows a strict rhyme scheme (AABCCB) in each stanza. - Deviates from this rhyme sceme in lines 15+17 where there is a slant rhyme (half rhyme) (are + rare) as opposed to a full rhyme. This isolates these lines, making them stand out, thus further enforcing the poets point.
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