English Literature: Analysis of 16 Poems from the Anthology

Caroline Ann Duffy

Havisham – Page 32

Anne Hathaway – Page 33

Before you were mine – Page 35

Education for Leisure – Page 37

Steeling – Page 38

Simon Armitage

Mother any distance – Page 39

Homecoming – Page 41

Kid – Page 43

Those bastards in their mansions – Page 44

Hitcher – Page 45

Pre-1914 Poems

Page 46 – “On my first Sonne” by Ben Johnson

Page 47 – The Affliction of Margaret by William Wordsworth

Page 50 – Sonnet 130

Page 51 – My Last Duchess

Page 52 – Laboratory

The exam has been taken now but hopefully this will be useful next year.


  • Created by: Katie
  • Created on: 28-05-09 10:58




Very helpful resources!

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