English Literature - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Mr. Utterson - Quotes


Chapter 1 - Story of the Door - Card 1

  • 'lawyer'
  • 'rugged countenance'
  • 'never lighted by a smile'
  • 'cold'
  • 'embarrassed in discourse'
  • 'lean'
  • 'long'
  • 'dusty'
  • 'dreary'
  • 'somehow loveable'
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Chapter 1 - Story of the Door - Card 2

  • 'something eminently human beaconed from his eye'
  • 'he was austere with himself' * - (austere = severe or strict in manner or attitude
  • 'drank gin when he was alone to mortify his taste for vintages'* - (mortify = subdue (the body or its needs and desires) by self-denial or discipline
  • 'though he enjoyed the theatre, had not crossed the doors of one for twenty years' *

*he denies himself his pleasures/desires, in contrast with Dr. Jekyll. This separation from one who is deemed unholy in his practices and many different ways (due to his connection to Hyde) shows Mr. Utterson as a exemplar gentleman.

  • 'had an approved tolerance for others
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Chapter 1 - Story of the Door - Card 3

  • "I incline to Cain's heresy- Mr. Utterson - (reference to a story in the bible) This means that his "sin" is that he doesn't get involved in the personal affairs of others.
  • 'it was frequently his fortune to be the last reputable aquaintance and the last good influence in the lives of downgoing men.' 
  • 'he never marked a change in his demeanor' - He treats everyone the same, despite who thay are or what they may have done.
  • 'modest man'
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Chapter 2 - Search For Mr. Hyde

  • 'dinner without relish' - *PTO x2<--                                                                                           
  • "my poor old Harry Jekyll" + "poor Harry Jekyll" + "poor Harry" - Mr. Utterson - He cares about his friend and is worried for him.
  • 'He was ashamed of his relief' - Mr. Utterson - He is relieved to see Mr. Poole again as thoughts of Hyde had made him uneasy. He is ashamed of his relief, showing how strictly he tries to adhere to societal customs of that era.
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Chapter 3 - Dr. Jekyll Was Quite At Ease

  • 'Where Utterson was liked, he was liked well' - People hold Mr. Utterson in high regard and he is not only like but liked well, showing he is a good gentleman.
  • 'Hosts loved to detain the dry lawyer ... they liked to sit a while in his unobtrusive company ... sobering their minds in the man's rich silence' - Shows he is a pleasant man to be around and liked by many. - (detain = keep (someone) from proceeding by holding them back or making claims on their attention) (unobtrusive = not conspicuous or attracting attention. Modest. Reserved.)
  • "he (Dr. Jekyll) cherished for Mr. Utterson a sincere and warm affection" - Mr. Utterson's and Dr. Jekyll's friendship is strong and Dr. Jekyll cares a great deal about Mr. Utterson.
  • "I believe you fully; I would trust you before any man alive, ay, before myself" - Dr. Jekyll - Dr. Jekyll places a great deal of faith in Mr. Utterson. This shows he has proven to be very trustworthy.
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Chapter 6 - Incident of Dr. Lanyon

  • 'professional honor and faith to his dead friend were stingent obligations' - He is an honorable man and respects the wishes of his passed friend. He is highly reputable. - (stringent = strict)
  • 'he thought of him (Dr. Jekyll) kindly' - Despite possible allegations against Dr. Jekyll due to his relation to Hyde, Mr. Utterson remains faithful until he has secure knowledge of the situation. He is a loyal friend.
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Chapter 8 - The Last Night

  • 'very pale' + 'biting his finger' - Shows he is deeply conserned about the state of his friend. 
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