Electricity - Science

Revision cards for a science unit about electricity.

  • Created by: Myu Inoue
  • Created on: 12-04-11 14:47

Circuits/Currents/Switches/Live and Dangerous

Ammeter = Measures how much electricity is flowing around a circuit

amp (A) = The unit for current

cell = A source for electricity with a low 'energy'. Cells push electrons round a circuit

circuit = A complete loop that electricity flows around

component = Something in a circuit, like a bulb, switch or motor

conductor = A material that lets electricity flow through it

electric current = The flow of electricity around a circuit

insulator = A material that does not let electricity flow through it

power pack = A source of electricity with a low energy (low voltage)

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Circuits/Currents/Switches/Live and Dangerous/Go w

mains (electricity) =Alternating current at 230 V provided to houses, shops, etc.

power pack = A source of electricity with a low energy (low voltage)

switch = Turns electricity on or off, by closing or opening a gap in a circuit

voltage = A way of saying how much energy is transferred by electricity

atom = The smallest part of an element

electric current = The flow of electrons around a circuit

electrical energy = The kind of energy carried by electricity

electron = Tiny particle that flows around a circuit

filament = Thin piece of wire inside a light bulb that glows when electricity is flowing through it

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Go with the flow/Series and Parallel/Using electri

model = A scientific way of thinking about how things happen

resistance = A way of saying how difficult it is for electricity to flow through something

resistor = A component that makes it difficult for electricity to flow - resistors are used to control the size of a current in a circuit

variable resistor = A resistor that can be adjusted to change the amount of resistance it has

voltage = A way of saying how much energy is transferred by electricity

component = Something in a circuit, like a bulb, switch or motor

parallel circuit = A circuit with two or more wires running next to each other

series circuit = A circuit where there is only one loop of wire

fuse = A piece of wire that melts if too much electricity flows through it

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Using electricity/Electricity and you

cable grip = Part of a plug that holds the cable, and stops the wires being pulled out of the pins

live wire = The brown wire in a cable or plug

neutral wire = The blue wire in a cable or plug

earth wire = The green and yellow wire in a cable or plug

electric shock = When electricity flows through the body

impulse = Electrical signal carried by a nerve cell

nerve = Carries messages around the body

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Electrical circuits

-Electricity is a flow of electrons, and can flow through conductors (metals are good conductors of electricity) but not through insulators

-The current is the amount of electricity flowing in a circuit, the units for current are amps (A)

-Currents are measured using an ammeter

-The resistance of a circuit is a way of saying how easy or difficult it is for electricity to flow

-High resistance = Hard for electricity to flow = small current

-Low resistance = easy for electricity to flow = large current

-Circuits can be series or parallel circuits 

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Electricity and heat

-When electricity flows through a wire, the wire can get hot

-Hot wires are used in electric fires, irons and cookers

-A fuse is a thin piece of wire that melts if too much electricity flows through it, and it is used for safety

Electricity and your body:

-Electrical signals i your body travel along nerves, so if an electrical current passes through your body you may get an electric shock

-This could burn you, or stop your hearts or lungs working

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