"Eat me" by Patience Agbabi

  • Created by: mk2cool
  • Created on: 13-09-17 12:35


  • Eat me is by Patience Agbabi 
  • The poem is about a husband who feeds his wife excessively 
  • He is someone who dominates his wife.
  • Her only pleasure is by only getting food
  • At the end of the poem tells us that she kills her husband by rolling over him on their bed and suffocating him 
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  • made up of 10 tercets (Stanzas of 3)
  • There is a half rhyme which creates a sense of uncertainty in her life.
  • There is a repetition of a "c" sound "called chubby cuddly"
  • Assonance is used of the "o" sound in the 8th tercet which makes it seem as if she is choking - "poured olive oil down my throat" 
  • When the rhymes do not add up it makes the intentions of the husband suspicious.
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Language techniques

  • Personal pronoun showing she does not enjoying it and it almost makes her seems as the victim especially when she is being controlled - " And I ate, did what I was told didn't even taste it " 
  • a tercet written in italics showing it is a dialogue from her husband.
  • Euphamism is used to tell that the girl is fat but the word "soft" is  being used to describe her instead.
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  • "I was his jacuzzi. But he was my cook, my only pleasure was the rush of fast food" - it shows what her weakness and her love of food is making her husband take advantage.
  • Water imagery- " his desert Island after shipwreck. Or a beach whale on a king sized bed craving a wave. Altohugh her husbasnd seems to have the power but at the end she is the one who hads it but didnt know until she killed her husband. 
  • " I was a tidal wave of flesh" which foreshadows the death of her husband.  The woman represents the tidal wave which is destructive and cannot be stopped . when the wave is approaching it is too late.
  • There is a contrast of body size- "my globe of a cheek"
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  • Throughout the poem the tone is melacholy especially when there is a repetition of the personal pronoun "I" emphasising that the woman is lonely and she is the only victim who is being controlled.
  • On the other hand,  the personal pronoun suggests the woman is in control especially at the end. It almost is a revenge on what her husband had did to her and now she will take her own power as an advantage which is her weight. 
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