Definitions- transition task part 2


Lexis and Semantics

Lexis- deals with the vocabulary system in English language

Semantics- deals with meaning and how that is generated within texts

Textual cohesion- describes how a text is logically structured to create a coherent sense of meaning

Noun- names of objects, feelings, attitudes, people, and places e.g. cottage, love

Verb- shows actions, events, or states of being, feeling or thinking e.g. seems, run

Adjective- adds detail to nouns e.g. bleak 

Adverb- adds detail to verbs e.g. extraordinarily

Determiner- positioned in front of nouns to add detail or to clarify e.g. the, a, an

Preposition- shows relation in terms of time or place in, at, by, on

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Lexis and Semantics

Conjunction- links words, phrases and clauses together e.g. and, but, or, although, because

Pronoun- replaces nouns and can also refer forwards and backwards to them in longer stretches of text, I, me, you, his, her, our

Comparative- the form used to compare two items, adjectives using- er or combined with 'more' e.g. smaller, more beautiful

Superlative- adjectives using- est or combined with 'most' e.g. smallest, most beautiful

Ellipsis- the missing out of a word or words in a sentence 

Denotation- a strict 'dictionary' meaning of a lexical item

Coinage- a new/ made up word

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Lexis and Semantics

Connotation- An associated, symbolic meaning relying on culturally shared conventions

Semantic/ lexical field- lexical items that are similar in meaning and properties 

Loan word- a word taken from another language e.g. magnifiqu

Epithet- labelling someone or something witha feauture or quality they exhibit e.g. 'villains'

Monosyllabic- only one syllable in a word

Polysyllabic- more than one syllable in a word

Phatic language- small talk

Antithesis- words or phrases that directly contrast with each other

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Lexis and Semantics

Emotive language- language that encourages readers to repsond emotionally rather than rationally. Many words have emotive connotations and readers may respond to these rather than in their denotations

Metaphor- use of a term to describe something that it does not denote, to suggest similar qualities between the two

Similie- a comparison of one thing with another using the words 'as' or 'like'

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