Child Development

These cards cover family types, the male and female reproductive system.


Nuclear Family

A family consisting of Mum, Dad and children.

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Reconstituted/step family

One parent forms a new partnership with someone else.

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Single Parent family

Makes all the decisions of the children.

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Adoptive family

The parent adopts another child from another family.

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Shared Care family

Two parents are separated and they share the decisions/care of their children.

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Same-sex Couples

Two people of the same sex either adopt or use a sperm donar or surrogate.

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Foster families

Temporary care for the children if their parents cannot look after them for a short time.

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Extended family

Grandparents live with them and help care for the children.

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Looked after children

Children who are in a children's home or long term foster care.

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Produce testorsterone sperm.

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Bag of skin which testes hang in and to keep cooler.

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Vas Deferens

(sperm duct) tube that goes to urethra.

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Protate glands and Seminal vesicle

Add the fuild to the sperm and energy.

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Transportation out of the body.

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Placing semen in the vagina of the female

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covers the tip of the penis. It is removed in circumcision.

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Increase from 30g to 1kg in weight during pregancy. It has very muscular walls.

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Lining of the uterus. Its where the egg implants. If there is no implantation it comes away as a period.

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Fallopion tube

Link between ovary and uterus. It is where fertilisation takes place.

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Catches the realeased ova.

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Release the egg (ovalation) and makes the hormones oestrogen and progesterone.

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10-12 cm. sperm is depoisted at the top of the vagina.

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Ring of muscle.

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very helpful :)

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