Child Development

  • Created by: Nicole_55
  • Created on: 02-12-18 09:44


What are the range of factors which affect the desicion to have children?

  • Financial Position of the ParentsRaising a child is very expensive. The most expensive years are between the age of 1-4 yeara.
  • Parental Ageas women age, their ability to concieve begins to deteriorate
  • Peer pressure and social expectations - expectations from friends and family to have children
  • Genetic Counselling for Hereditary diseases - parents may not want the child if they find out it will be handicapped
  • The relationship between the partners - they must be loyal to and respect eachother. They must also trust the other to make imporant desicions.
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Reasons for and against having a baby

Teen Mother

For: Will recover from pregnancy faster - Will have a longer life expectancy

Against: May be immature - Will interfere with her education

Single Parent

For: The child will have a closer bond with the parent 

Against: May not be financially stable - The child may not get on well with a new partner

Same-sex Couple

For: If the relationship is stable the child will have a happy life

Against: Could have a negative social impact on the child - Kid may need a rolemodel of the opposite gender

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Genetic Diseases

Down's Syndrome

How does the disrder occur ?

A random error in cell division, that results in an extra copy of chromosome 21

Physical signs and issues

Heart Problems, Difficulties with hearing and Vision, Impulsive behaviour, Delayed language and Speech

Impacts on the child's development

limits intellectual development due to learning difficulties and problems with memory

Impacts on the parents

It is expensive to care for a child with this disorder, and it mau have a negative social impact on the parents.

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Genetic Diseases

Cysitic fibrosis

how does the Disorder Occur?

Caused by mutations in Chromosome 7

Physical signs and Issues

Persistent coughing, frequent lung infections, wheezing, shortness of breath, poor weight gain

Impacts on the Child's Development

This child will have difficulty doing physical activity

Impacts on the Parents

The parents will need to buy lots of medicines to treat lung problems, as there is no cure

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Genetic Diseases

Sickle Cell Anaemia

How does the disorder Occur?

Inhereted abnormal Haemoglobin

Physical Sighns and Issues

Frequent tiredness, painful swelling of hands and feet, Delayed growth, Vision problems

The Impacts on the Child's Development

The Child may ony live to their mid-40's

Impacts on the parents

Parents will need to make frequent hospital visits

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Maternity Leave

  • lasts up to 52 weeks
  • the earliest a mother can leave her job is 11 weeks before her due date

Statutory Maternity Pay

  • for the first first 6 weeks, the mother recieves 90% of her pay

Change of Lifestyle

  • parents may become a little stressed, which may have a negative impact on their already existing child/children
  • parents may argue more often than before
  • they may be happier than before, having a baby may make the happier, especially if the partners have  been trying to have kids for a while
  • There is less free and personal time
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pre-Conceptual Health


Is important as the baby is totally dependent on it's mother's diet. At least 5 portions of fruit and veg everyday, foods high in iron such as chicken, and Dairy foods in moderation, are all essential.

Supplements - Folic Acid

Follic Acid hepls the body to produce and maintain new cells. Taking it before and after pregnancy helps to prevent birth defects in the baby's brain and spinal chord.


Is very important for someone who is trying to concieve. Exercises suvh as Yoga, Pilates, Walking and Jogging, all help a woman to deal with the strain her body will be under while she is pregnant.

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pre-Conceptual Health


The chemicals from the cigarette pass fro the woman's lungs to her blood stream, and then to her placenta, to the unborn child. Poisnous Carbon Monoxide will replace the oxygen in her blood, affescting the baby's growth. Nicotine makes the baby's heart beat faster, and could cause premature growth


In men, lower sperm counts are evident in those who consume lots of alcohol. In women, alcohol is known to damage the growth of the baby's cells. The Brain and spinal cord cells are most likely to have damage.

Rcreational Drugs

Drugs may harm a developing foetus. Direct effects on organ development are possible with drug use in very early stages of pregnancy. Use of Recreational drugs may also have an increased likelihood of mental health problems later in life for the baby.

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The Roles and Responsibilities of Parents

A parent's main role is to provide these things for their children

Food Parents must provide food that is healthy and contains the right nutrients for the child, as kids need to be provided with meal routines and healthy snacks if they are to have the enrgy to do things.

Cothing - Kids grow out of clothes very fast because they are still growing. They younger they are the fater they will grow, so parents will need to buy clothes ore frquently if they have a young child.Parents also need to launder and Iron clothes, which can siginificantly add to their workload

Shelter - Parents should provide a clean, warm and safe space for their children. The home in which a child lives can have a huge impact on their life, e.g. A kid who lives in damp conditions would be more prone to frequent chest infections. Paying for rent and the mortgage is an ongoing process, and often takes up a lot of income.

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Methods of Contraception

Barrier Methods

Male and Female Condoms

  • Male condoms are placed onto the erect penis before coming into contact with the vagina, female condoms are won inside the vagina.
  • Condoms are around 98% successful and Help to protect against STI's
  • Howeverthey are still not 100% effective, they must be put on, and taken off carefully, andthere are people who are allergic to latex.
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Methods of Contraception

Barrier Methods

Diaphram / Cap

  • A cap is a dome shaped piece of latex or silicone which covers the cervix during intercourse, and must be usd alongside spermicidal gel, or cream
  • They are usually 92%-96% successful, it can be worn several hours ahead of sex, and there are no unwanted side affects
  • However they are quite difficult to use correctly, must be fitted by a clinician, and may slip out of place during intercourse
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Methods of Contraception

Progesterone Only Pill

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