Chemistry Bonding



Why do atoms form ions

To get a full shell of electrons and become stable

What do you call a positive ion

- Cation 

What do you call a negative ion

- Anion 

If a chemical name ends in "ate", what element MUST it contain?

- Oxygen 

What word would you use to describe the structure of IONIC compounds

- Lattice

Which is a correct property of ionic compounds?#

-High melting point

Why can't ionic compounds conduct as a solid?

-Ions can't move

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What is the definition of a covalent bond?

-Shared pair of electrons

What is a correct property of simple molecular compounds?

- Low Melting Point

Which element are diamond and graphite both made of?


Diamond conducts electricity?


Graphite conducts electricity


Why can graphite conduct electricity?

-It has delocalised electrons

How many bonds do carbon atoms in graphite form?


How many bonds do carbon atoms in graphite form?


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