
  • Created by: rachmhw
  • Created on: 21-05-17 16:18
what is the relative charge of a proton?
1 of 27
what is the relative charge of a neutron?
2 of 27
what is the relative charge of a electron?
3 of 27
what is the relative mass of a proton?
4 of 27
what is the relative mass of a neutron?
5 of 27
what is the relative mass of a electron?
0 (actually 0.0005)
6 of 27
Where is a proton found?
in the nucleus
7 of 27
where is a neutron found?
in the nucleus
8 of 27
where is an electron found?
in the shells surrounding the nucleus
9 of 27
what does relative atomic mass mean?
the amount of protons and neutrons
10 of 27
what does atomic (proton) number mean?
the amount of protons
11 of 27
if there are 5 protons in an atom, how many electrons are there?
there are 5 electrons, this is because the protons and electrons are equal
12 of 27
how do you make an ion?
it is when an atom gains or looses an electron
13 of 27
what is ionic bonding?
it is the force of attraction between the positively charged ion and the negatively charged ion
14 of 27
what is covalent bonding?
a bond formed by the sharing of electrons
15 of 27
what is electronic configuration?
the arrangement of electrons around the nucleus into energy levels
16 of 27
how may electrons can the first energy level take up to?
2 electrons
17 of 27
how many electrons can the second energy level take up to?
8 electrons
18 of 27
how many electrons can the third energy level take up to?
8 electrons
19 of 27
what happens when a solid turns into a liquid?
it increases in energy
20 of 27
what happens when a liquid turns into a gas?
it increases in energy
21 of 27
what happens when a gas turns into a liquid?
it decreases in energy
22 of 27
what happens when a liquid turns into a solid?
it decreases in energy
23 of 27
complete the sentence: a positively charged ion forms when a - atom - an electron
metal and loses
24 of 27
complete the sentence: a negatively charged ion is formed when a - atom - an electron
non-metal and gains
25 of 27
how do you form a positively charged sodium atom?
the sodium atom loses one electron to form a positively charges sodium ion
26 of 27
what types of bonding hold compounds together?
ionic bonding
27 of 27

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is the relative charge of a neutron?



Card 3


what is the relative charge of a electron?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the relative mass of a proton?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is the relative mass of a neutron?


Preview of the front of card 5
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