
  • Created by: alicerose
  • Created on: 27-05-18 15:50

Lenin and Centralisation

Politburo: Created a centralisaed and industrialised state placing power on to the Politburo as well as applying military style leadership 

One-party state: Created under Lenin by removing opposition to communism 

Nomenklatura: creates an elite within the party 

War Communism: Economic centralisation replacing paper currency with a bartering system which benefits the Bolsheviks 

Ban on factions: ends democracy and 

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Stalin and Centralisation

Nomenklatura: continues under Stalin

Ban on Factions: Continues under Stalin 

Poltiburo: Continues under Stalin

However, under the one-party state whilst Lenin was seen to expel opposition, Stalin was seen to execute opposition

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Alexander III and Centralisation

Russification: This was not a new system with Alexander's predecessors also using Russification. Both Alexander III and Nicholas II targeted the Ukraine Baltics and the Caucuses to be Russified because they were likely to comply without too much conflict. 

Russification: Anti-semtisim uner Alexander III

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Nicholas II

Russification: continues from A III-use of anti-semitism continues 

the Russification of Finnland is also conducted-integrating Finnland into the Russian empire and Russifying it-this provoked much opposition because the army was disbanded, the secretariat abolished and Russia was expected to become the main language. 

Fundamental laws 1906: This led to greater centralisation of power and supremacy of autocracy as, whilst the introduction of the state duma provided greater civil liberties under the October Manifesto, the duma was still to remain answerable to the tsar, demonstrating increased autocratic control 

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